Ch. 6

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After Harry left the café I decided to walk around a little more, some of the shops were already closing because it was getting late and the streets started to get emptier and emptier. The streets started to get creepy so I decided to head back home.

I got home at around 10:45 PM, sneaking in was a bit trickier than sneaking out, good that when I opened the door to get in there wasn't a guard on the other side or I would have been caught red handed.

Everyone was already sleeping and a few guards were just walking around the castle just to make sure everything was normal. I could easily hide because almost all the lights were off so it was mostly dark inside. When I made it to my room I quickly got changed, took all my make-up off, brushed my teeth and jumped into bed with a huge smile on my face.

It was really fun tonight, a little scary with that guy at the pub but then meeting Harry. When Harry came back to my mind, I remembered that I promised him that I was going to text him when I got home.

To: Harry

Hey, it's the girl from the Café, just got home :)

I really didn't know what to say, what if he doesn't remember me or he just told me to text him just to be nice and he really didn't want me to text him?

Even though I just met Harry and only talked to him for half an hour, he was different, well I think he was, I haven't talked to many guys in my life. The only guys I talked to were either way older than me, younger or sometimes the same age but that's hardly. Those people where only introduced to me by my parents since the only time I go out is with my parents. I am usually rushed in the car, then when we get to our destination I am rushed into the building while being surrounded by guards so I don't even get to see the people around me.

A smile appears on my face when I hear a beep coming from my phone meaning I got a text.

From: Harry

Oh hey, I was starting to worry, I thought you forgot about me lol Did you get home alright?

My smile grows wider when I read the text. Just reading his text makes me blush, what is going on with me, I never felt like this before. But at that moment I decided to ignore that feeling.

Me and Harry texted each other for almost the whole night and by the end, after our goodnights I knew I might be growing feelings for him but I know my parents would never allow me to be with anyone that isn't a prince.

The next morning I regretted staying up to 3 AM, I didn't even notice we were texting each other for that long until I had to go to the bathroom and checked the time on the way there. Now I am just tired since its 7:30 AM but I had to get up anyways.

Its been three days since I have seen Harry in person but we have been talking on the phone or texting each other every night, since we told each other we were mostly busy during the day. He said he has to work and well me, I'm always busy during the day.

I was in the middle of reading a book when my phone starts to ring and its Harry, he never really calls me or texts me until later in the day...

"Hello" I answer the phone

"hey, how are you?" he asks

"I'm good, you?"

"Good, I was actually wondering is if you wanted to...have...dinner with me tonight?" He asks, I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

I wanted to go with him but that meant that I had to sneak out again, with out thinking...

"sure, that would be nice" I say with a smile but my smile falls when I heard what he said next

"Alright, I will come pick you up at your house later then" he says and I could tell he is smiling at the other side of the line.


What do you think she will say to him?

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