Ch. 7

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I haven't seen Harry in three days. We have been talking on the phone and texting each other every night. My parents know nothing about Harry and neither do they know I sneaked out a few days ago so I would like to keep it that way.

I wanted to see Harry again but that meant I have to sneak out again and lie to him. I am never the one to lie to anyone but I never know how he is going to act or if he is going to use me for publicity, plus it's better to keep it hidden.

When Harry said through the phone he was going to pick me up from my house, I didn't know what to say. He can't come here, I don't even live at a house, this place is more like a palace and not any palace, the king and queen mansion here in England.

"Is that alright or...?" he asked when I didn't answer

"How about you pick me up at the café we hanged out last time?" I said hoping he agrees to just meet there.

"Oh, alright then, I will see you at around 6:30?" he said with confusion in his voice.

"Alright, see there" I said with a smile on my face and hanged up. I can't wait to see him but maybe it doesn't mean anything, we are just two people that are going to hang out and have dinner.

Harry's POV:

We have been texting for about three days now and I want to see her again. She makes me feel normal, finally someone that doesn't know everything about me and we get to know each other the normal way but the only thing is that she won't know the real me, well for now at least, I just like this feeling too much. It's not that I don't like when people know me and know who I am but once in a while I want to feel like I am a normal teenager and she gives me that. I hope all that made sense.

I want to hang out with Alison so I decided to call her...

"Hello?" Alison said through the phone

I asked her if she wanted to have dinner with me tonight, I think she could hear the nervousness in my voice but when she said yes I relaxed and I could tell she was smiling at other side of the line.

When I told her I was going to pick her up at her house I could tell she got nervous and she didn't answer so I decided to ask again...

"Is that alright or...?" I asked, did she not want me to see where she lived or what?

"How about you pick me up at the café we hanged out last time?" she asked, it was weird but I ignored it since she probably didn't want a stranger she just met to see where she lived. I understand because I wouldn't want that either.

"Oh, alright then, I will see you at around 6:30?" I asked just making sure she was ok with the time.

We said our good byes and hanged up with a smile on my face.

"What you smiling about" Liam's voice popped out of nowhere

"Oh nothing, just going to dinner with this girl" I said to Liam

"Oooooo lucky girl, going out with Mr. Styles" he says while wiggling his eyebrows. I just shake my head while smiling at him, he is so weird sometimes.

"Well she doesn't know it's me" he only looks at me confusedly.

"What do you mean?" he asked me with confusion on face,

"Well she kind of knows who I am but not completely, she might not have recognise me and I might not have told her that I'm in a band so now she thinks I'm a normal guy" I said while looking at my hands,

"Harry! So you lied to her?!? You have to tell her or things aren't going to turn out good" he says standing in front of me, I look up at him and nod.

"Fine, I'll tell her" I say and then look at my hands again. "Alright, have fun tonight" Liam says with a smile.

Alli's POV:

So I have to meet him at 6:30 PM and I normally eat at around 6:00, this is going to be a problem. How am I supposed to get out of dinner with my parents?

I walk to one of the guards that is guarding the front door to ask where my parents are since I haven't seen them for a while...

"Princess Alli" the guard says when he saw me coming towards him. "Hello Nate, Have you seen my parents? I have not seen them in a while" I say to Nate,

"Yes actually, They told me to tell you that they went out tonight, they won't come back until late so don't wait for them" well that's weird, this is actually going to be easier than I thought.

"Thank you Nate" I say with a smile and walk away from him.

I walked down the hall and up the stairs to go to my room and start getting ready, I hope the dinner goes good.


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