Ch. 8

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I climbed the same tree I did before to get over the wall, once I was on the other side I put on the blonde wig, fixed it so it looks natural. I really don't like wigs, they are itchy.

Since I'm going to be with Harry I decided to hide my necklace in my purse, I don't like taking it off but I can never be too careful.

I started walking towards the Café me and Harry talked a few days ago. It wasn't that far so it only took me 15 minutes. I got there at around 6:24, I looked around and Harry wasn't there. Maybe he is inside, I walked in and he wasn't here either so I guess he isn't here yet, I am a little early. I decided to wait for him outside the Café.

It was 6:40 when a car stopped in front of the café, rolled down their window and Harry was sitting in the driver seat. He waved at me to walk to him, I guess he isn't coming out of the car.

"Sorry I'm late, come on, get in" he said kind of worried, I nodded and sat in the passenger seat.

It is really awkward at first but then we started making small talk. I have never been alone in a car with a guy, well except with my security guards but they are like family since they watched me grow up.

I looked out the window and it looked like we were getting further away from town. Where is he taking me?

"Where are we going?" I asked him trying now to sound worried.

"It's a surprise" he answered with a smile

"Oh, alright" I said with a smile and trying not to look scared, maybe I am just freaking out about nothing. I just need to trust him, wait I don't even know him why would I trust him. Maybe he knows and he is kidnapping me for money. My eyes widen after that thought.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked me worriedly looking at me quickly and then looked at the road.

"Yea, I'm fine" I said with a smile and then he only nodded.

I looked out the window and I saw a few trees, which meant we weren't in town anymore. Oh no.

"Here we are" Harry said before the car came to a stop. We got out of the car and I started looking around, it looks like we are at a park.

When Harry got out of the car, he was holding a basket with his hand and walked towards me. Now that I notice, we are actually going to have a picnic. Now I feel bad for thinking he was going to kidnap me.

"Come on" he said and started walking towards the park and me following him. The park wasn't too dark since the sun was still setting down.

We found a good spot with a good view of the city. Harry started to lay down a blanket and I just stood there admiring the lights of the city.

"It's so beautiful" I said still looking at the beautiful view.

"Yea, it is. I come here sometimes to get away from everything when it gets a little too much" He said while looking at the view as well.

We sat across from each other, we only made small talk but it was mostly quiet.

"I could only make sandwiches is that's alright with you? I'm a good cook but I only had time to make sandwiches" he said with a cute smile that shows him dimples.

"Yea that's fine" I said giggling,

"Ham or turkey?" He asked while taking two sandwiches out from the basket.

"Turkey please" I said and he handed me one. I unwrapped it and took a bite, this is good. "So what do you do?" I asked him just to keep the conversation going, when I asked him what he does for job, his eyes went wide but then hid his expression quickly.

"I...uh...I work in a bakery" he said while looking at his hand. When he looked at me I could see guilt written in his eyes but why? He probably just works there while being in University or college. There is nothing to feel ashamed of.

"Oh that's nice, which bakery?" I asked again,

"Ummm...the W Mandeville bakery" he said, "What about you? Where do you work?" he asked quickly,

Oh no

"I actually just quit my last job so I don't have a job right now" well it wasn't all a lie, I don't have a job.

"Oh why you quit?" he asked curiously,

"It just wasn't for me, I guess" I didn't know what to answer so that was the best I could do, he bought it though, I just wish I didn't have to lie to him.

The rest of our date we spent talking about random things while we laid on our backs and looked at the stars. This was my first date and it was amazing.

Harry's POV:

This was an amazing date but I can't believe I couldn't tell her the truth about who I am and I lied to her. 'You have to tell her or things aren't going to turn out good' Liams words repeat in my head but as long as she doesn't find out and she hears it from me, everything will be alright, she will understand, wont she?

Liam is going to kill me for not telling her the truth.


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