the arrival

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     it was a warm summer's day when stingy got off the airplane.  it reminded him of his days on lazy town.  the sky was blue, and there wasn't a cloud to be seen.  he sighed, feeling the taste of bitter nostalgia overwhelm his senses.  he remembered how none of the cast ever really liked him.  i mean, could you blame them? they were all already friends and he was an outsider.  he wasn't a part of their reality, it just wasn't meant to be.  

     after realizing he had daydreamed about his past for too long, stingy noticed that it was time to get off of the airplane.  he was in a window seat, so he had to let the old lady named beatrice get off before him.  after waiting for what felt like an eternity, he was finally on the ground.  he took a deep breath in and realized that maybe this would be the change in his life that he needed.  

A Genuine Mess  (kind of a Caitlyn x Stingy fanfiction, but not really)Where stories live. Discover now