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Chae-won's POV
As i dragged the mattress to Jungkook's room, i heard someone walking towards me. I looked up to see Jungkook helping me drag the mattress to his room.
He rolled up his sleeves and pulled it. Suddenly, i caught a glimpse of his arm. I could see his muscles at his forearms. I gaped at it.
I was snapped out of my thoughts when Jungkook asked,

Jungkook: Urm... where do you want to place the umm... ma...mattress?

He looked down shyly as i started blushing. Did he catch me staring at him? Does he think i am a pervert? Why did i stare at him?!?!
I looked away and replied shyly,

Chae-won: Umm... you can put it on the floor next to your bed, i guess... Oh! And umm... thank you for helping me...

Jungkook: No problem. Actually, since you are sick, you can sleep on my bed... and i'll sleep on the mattress.

Jungkook looked down on the floor and scratched the back of his neck shyly.

Chae-won: Jinjja?! Gamsahamnida!!!

I did a 90 degree bow and checked the time.

Chae-won: Omo! It is already 10.00 pm!

I plopped onto Jungkook's bed as Jungkook turned off the lights. He then slept on the mattress.

Time Skipeuuu!

I yawned and stretched my body as i opened my eyes. I looked down, expecting Jungkook to still be sleeping on his mattress.
However, he was no where to be seen. I walked out of my room sleepily to see the boys all eating at the dining table. They all turned around when they heard me say sleepily,

Chae-won: Good morning...

I rubbed my eyes as i dragged my body to the dining table. Suddenly, i felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.
My eyes widened as i turned around to see Jimin oppa hugging me.
Seeing my shocked expression, Namjoon oppa explained,

Namjoon: Don't worry, Jimin is like that. Once he knows you for a while, he becomes clingy.

Jimin: Yah! I am not clingy!

I giggled as i looked at Namjoon and Jimin oppa arguing childishly.
After they argued, i walked back into Jungkook's room and changed into some new clothes. After that, i brushed my teeth.
When i walked back, i saw the boys done eating. Taehyung then pulled a chair towards the dining table and patted it, asking me to sit on it.
I muttered 'thank you' and sat on it.
Jin oppa placed two pancakes and some berries on my plate and asked,

Jin: Chae-won-ah, do you want chocolate sauce or maple syrup?

Chae-won: Maple syrup, please. (Srry if you like choc sauce.)

Jin then drizzled some maple syrup on my pancake.

Namjoon: Chae-won-ah, we are leaving the dorm for dance practice. Do you want to come with us? We can wait for you.

I shook my head and replied,

Chae-won: No thanks...

Namjoon nodded his head. Then, i started wolfing down my pancakes.
After eating, i sat on the couch and started watching television.

Jungkook's POV
While me and the hyungs were dancing Fake Love's choreography, Jimin and Taehyungie started walking towards me, giggling.

Jimin: So, how was your night with Chae-won???

Jimin wiggled his eyebrows as he giggled with Taehyungie. I shot them a disgusted look and replied,

Jungkook: Yah! What do you mean by that?!?!

Taehyungie snickered and replied,

Taehyung: You mean you did not do anything to her while she was asleep?

Jimin: Like cuddling?

Jungkook: Yah! Why would i do that?!?! I barely even know her, you pabos!

Taehyung: Oh really? You were a blushing mess! We noticed you blushing and acting shy towards her!

Jimin: Oooo! Is Kookie in love?!?!

Taehyung: Maybe he did this to her when she was asleep!

Taehyungie started hugging Jimin while Jimin pretended to sleep.
I stretched out my hand and started hitting them playfully, obviously annoyed.

Jungkook: I did not do that, you byuntaes!

They started giggling uncontrollably and running around the room.

Taehyung: We are just helping you realise your love towards Chae-won!

Taehyungie yelled while running. I stopped running and sighed in exasperation, yelling frustratedly,

Jungkook: Aish! Jinjja!

I watched Jimin and Taehyungie giggling while high-fiving. Aish! These boys! I don't even know Chae-won! But, she seems like a nice girl.
Should i get to know her better? We seem very awkward around each other...

Author's Note
Annyeong! I hope you liked the chapter! I am so sorry for the short chapter. I am trying to write longer. And, i have no inspiration. So, the chapters i write might be boring. I am super sorry!

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