Chapter 36

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Ross POV

Zoe is now nine months and that means the baby can come at any time. When I say any time I mean anytime. All of our other children came when least expected it so that's what we think is going to happen this time.

"Hey Zoe, everyone is going to the fair, do you wanna come?" I asked.

"Yeah, I love the fair!!! Funnel Cake here I come!!!" She said. I smiled and then kissed her. All of my family and Zoe's family loaded up into cars. Yes, we were still in Canada on Zoe's family pig ranch. In total there was like 30-40 people going so it took a lot of cars!!! Well actually it took the tour bus and about five other cars.

"We have to go see the animals!!" One of Zoe's cousins said.

"We totally should! And hit all the rides!!" I agreed.

"You guys can go on rides, I'm not!" Zoe said. We ended up laughing until we got to the fair. We all got out of our cars or the bus and walked up to the ticket booth.

We got a bunch of stares from many people. Probably because of the band and the size of our big happy family!! After everyone was paid for and had wristbands on we went inside. We ended up splitting into four groups, about ten people in each. My group which consisted of Riker, Rydel, Zoe, me, and the kids went to go look at all the animals.

"Daddy look, there's moo moos!!" Shor said.

"Yeah, the cows are big huh?" I asked. All of the kids nodded. We continued walking around looking at pigs, rabbits, sheep, goats, lambs, and horses. The kids absolutely loved it.

"Let's go on a ride!" Riker said.

"The ferris wheel!!!" Rebecca said. We all agreed and went to stand in line. What actually ended up happening was that the whole family ended up being in the line. So the kids chose who they wanted to ride with.

By the time Zoe and I got into the bucket thing, the kids were already riding the ride. The operator pressed a button and we began the ride. Zoe held my hand the whole time. We went around about three or four times before we were stopped at the top. The view was great, the sun was setting and the sky had many colors.

"Uh oh." Zoe said. I've heard that many times before.

"Zoeee is that uh oh because you're water broke?" I asked, kinda of scared.

"Yeah!" she said. My eyes widened. I held her hand and helped her control her breathing.

Didn't I say, our kids like to come at the mist unexpected time?

"Ross, get me down now!!!! This baby is coming faster than. you think. If you don't hurry, I'm gonna have this baby on this ferris wheel!!!!" Zoe said.

"OK OK stay calm. I'm gonna call my mom." I said.She nodded. I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

"Hello? Ross why are you calling? I see you!!" My mom said.

"Tell the operator to get us down now! Zoe is gonna have the baby. Her water broke and she said if she doesn't get down the baby is gonna be born up here!!" I said. Everyone looked at us.

"Ok OK." She said. I hung up the phone. I looked down at the ground and saw some of the family running. Some if them were carrying kids. Others stayed and waited. And my mom talked to the operator. We started moving again and he didn't stop until we were at the bottom. At least five of us helped Zoe get out. Then we carried her while speed/running walked to the car.

"Guys, we are not making it to the hospital!!!!!" Zoe screamed. We arrived where all if our cars were parked. There was a car ready for Zoe but we put her in the bus instead. We took her to the back room. All of the girls, who have had children came in as well. We closed the door and locked it.



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