•Chapter 9: Is This Goodbye?•

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He.... didnt showed up...
I tried to find him i saw him with hanabi... i heard her said something... i tried to come closer i heard "lets go sweetie your not looking good lets get u back to Vexana"
Im wondering who is "Vexana"
As i looked to the "book of heroes"
She was a enemy... and they said that she can make a copy of you so thats when everything seems to be clear! So .... i tried looking for hanabi so that i can follow her ...
And free haya from the curse! I saw hanabi at the jungle .. she ran as fast as she could then it lead me to a dark place with souls everywhere... theres a Sound i can hear crying for help... as i try to recognize the voice its.. its!! Haya!
I tried to get in but theres no way in... i sighed with tears cause i knew i cant save him... the curse will drain him until he dies but i dont know how... to make all this stop....
And then it Hit me!
Crap! I dont need to get in i already have my way in!
I used my umbrella as i teleported in where i heard some one crying for help then i saw haya his hands are tied up really tight and he seems weak but theres no time! I need to get her to a healer! Theres two professional healer at my school! And maybe estes and Rafaela could help me sure their not official Healers but! They have progress already! As i grabbed his hands and teleported us out... Crap! Hanabi saw me i tried to run as i could but haya is weak and i cant force him to run... i need to call for back up... so we hid in a bush....and i tried to call his friends since their good! At gym class battle lessons but .. theres no signal....!!???
Then ....something made me frozen that i cant move next thing i know its Ha-Hanabi! I tried to teleport a way out but she hitted me again. Im so weak that i cant move and grab my umbrella... then a dark fog came and someone grabbed me and haya... next thing i saw i was in s cave.. and theres a cat or whatever it is in a hood said what are you doing at this place? ....
I said im rescuing my Boyfriend...
It replied from who?
I said " its a bad woman called vexana also my friend is under her spell"
He introduced his self and said its Helcurt.. the only way to break the spell is if u find someone loves him purely to sacrifice of their life to him...
I said how c-can i do t-that?
Helcurt said " if u sell your soul to alice your life will be taken away and he will stay"
Im desperate to cure him even if i have to die... as i left haya with helcurt i tried to find alice someone said " i think you dont know what your doing"
I turned and used my umbrella to teleport while awoman... that has a horn as i said who are you she replied "im alice i know your trying to find me., but.. Sacrificing your S-sou
Then.. she stopped talking... i saw Hanabi! With vexana and hanabi hitted Alice and Vexana made a Hole that alice fell to... i had to run... then as my eyes flashed before i knew it she c-cursed me.... is this How its gonna end?
Then.. take me with him as my strength weakens ...

 take me with him as my strength weakens

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"Recall.. and this is haya"

As i cried for help someone came in out of no where when i saw its K-kagura!! But im so weak to move to hug her and my sight is starting to blur and i get more dizzy and dizzy as i try to go... as im dizzy i cant really tell or see i dont know why my hearing is low snd i cant hear.. is this the end?"

To be continued...
Homeworks cant finish this
..... whehehe i planned the next chap no worries ;)
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