•Discontinued:Virtual Sequel•

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POV'S of characters

In a blink on an eye i saw my self, im not in reality im in a virtual world....

I opened my eyes to see am i dreaming is this real? This is real i dont know if should i be scared to whatever could happen.

I walked through this Virtual game world...
Huh. A game i looked throught the sigb where new players should go, the was an A.I talking based on what u heard she said this place is called "The Land of Dawn" inorder to escape we need to fight and then reach te highest rank... and we will defeat the strongest team...
But i bet they are part of the creators so they must be good...

I dont know if this is a good thing or a bad thing... after we defeat them they said we will be sent to Survival Land the if one or someone survived everyone can go back to reality...

As if yesterday iwas looking at my phone and monitor and now im inside the game...

We're supposed to pick our weapons but i chose shurikens and shadow i was a shadow ninja in this game

I thought i was supposed to chose my name but i was given a name of a legendary shadow ninja named "HAYABUSA" thats how i lived my life in this world a shadow...

Im no longer "HAYA" from the real world


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Im tired i want to be in a place where no one can control my fate, i wanted to be in a place where i can be me...

My wished came true, a virtual world that will only bring you back to the teal world until you finished the quest, for some people its scary but i want to embrace to i just want time for my self..

It was amazing and odd but i went with the flow, i began the tutorial and chose my weapon a umbrella.
My avatar looks kind of what i am in reality long hair, white hair, light colored skin, average height.

I chose the kimono as my clothes it was cute, then i was given a name by the system... "KAGURA" a omniyouji master.

I was a mage my skills were annoying it was kind of funny when they try to chase me.

This was the beginning of Virtual Reality..i never thought i would say this but its scary because we dont know what's their plan how can we escape?

Survival Land? Highest Rank.
I thought i was happy but i was just denying the facts...

But for now ill say goodbye to myself "KAORI" ( sorry i cant think anything for kagura"

But for now ill say goodbye to myself "KAORI" ( sorry i cant think anything for kagura"

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Hmm.... dammit! Why the hell am i here? What is this? I should be training not be in this world!

Im scared but i must not be i must be strong i must comeback to my family..
I shall be strong ill come back!

Inorder to do that ill start the tutorial i pickdd my clothes my looks i was given a title and a name "HANABI" im a ninja of Scarlet Flower.. (forgotten what that was)

Im getting used to this but each day i wanted to get out of here i dont want to be attached its scary if i had a answer i dont wanna leave..

This Virtual world is amazing it fascinates me i had hopes to get out i wanted everyone to be safe but..

I was slowly changing into someone else i was no long "HANAH"i lived in this word as "Hanabi" i lived her personality i lived her story..

I even changed more when i met them..


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Away frim reality away from monsters their heartless their useless! I wasnt living my life there but here i can be my self i can be free i can be whoever i wanted to be!

My long wish my world has finally come to real!

My sould can wonder and kill you while my body meditates...
Everyone is afraid of me, but my avatar looks scary doesnt mean that i am. Im jusst having fun....

I got my name "HANZO" i will live that name here i wont be "HANS"from the real world i will live eah moment here..
Who knew that i want to go back to reality to met her?

Who knew that i want to go back to reality to met her?

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And their chapters starts here...
Crossing the fates...
The changes...

~ to be continued
I was bored so i did this but i have a test so ciaaaoo



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