•Chapter 17: A long way to go•

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But i promise after this fate wont separate us again and ill make sure we really are destined to be so just wait my Kagura a little more ill reach you...

Crap i stepped on a pile leaves it made noises as Haya turned his back he might not seen me yet maybe my shadow tho .. .. but seems nothing he continued walking so i was at the top of tree branches so this time he cant see mee then he disappeared .. then something at my back was like alive i heard heart beats then someone hugged me... as i turned around its haya! So i asked him are you mad i followed you..?? He said "no well i had a feeling u will do such things cause i know u ;) " welp im caught so what do we do now?
He said "then lets travel this journey together <3

Hmm... i heard noises on the pile of leaves but i shrugged it off as i look to the ground i see shadows as walking i hear weird noises above the tree so i became one with the shadows then i was on a branch i saw Kagura.. then i hugged her well i know she might follow me since shes Kagura but its sweet of what shes thinking so i offered her to come with me cause we shall defeat the boss and end this and be together forver always i wont let fate seprate her from me tho.. i got a feeling were not alone here theres another ninja.... not powerful as me ir deadly but to other sections of heroes shes deadly so i must protect my Master "Omniyouji Master Kagura" (idk how spell omniyouji...)
Its been a while i think my lady is tired now so we might eat and have lunch as i see her pretty crystal blue eyes tired .. as i was looking at her she said "why r u smiling?!" Well i smiled when i was looking at her she saw my smile underneath the mask she reads me.. thats why .. shes the only girl that knows me .. with or without the mask...

To be continued
Sorry i was busy reading mangas! Hihiii sorryy!

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