•Chapter 21:Happily ever After•

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As we arrived the town..everyone bowed at Hayabusa i guess they know that he did his mission... as guards said his father is looking for him we simply went there...
Were here... then haya was given another dangerous mission.. as he refused his father in shock cause his son always do what he commands for the first time he refused as a smirk appeared on the old mans face and laughing saying "Oh my, i guess my boy is now a man that dosent need to be told what to do. im proud of you son" as a hugged formed over them as his father asked so do you have someone you like? As he pointed me and said yes as his father said to be "I give you my blessing and hope you two will fight side to side ill leave my boy to you now"
As i was still shocked things here are happening fast as his father said " So i gave my blessing so when do you plan to get married?" As me and haya looked at each other then he said "next week" ahhhh! Waaaaat!!??
So now i bought many envelops and printed nice invitations to give .. as checking my gown i saw hanabi.... she's fitting a gown??? As she walked near me said Congrats! I feel like its sincere she smiled and said im sorry for the troubles i made back then i hope we can be good friends again :3 then a guy said are you done? Then she said " Oh right hes Martis my soon to be husband " (Sorry guys hahaha i thought of it randomly) as i said oh i see .. well then Martis is it? Take care if my friend well invite you two to my wedding please come :) i said with a warm smile.
As i walked outside the shop i still need a lot of stuff sheeeez


Sheeeeezzz .... this people wont even reply back seeen seen seeen!!!! Annoying then a text saying "tomorrow go to our bro place" as i said ok ill go.
But theres still alot to doo! I cant see my beautiful bride till the wedding T^T
As trying the clothes im gonna wear it looks nice. But then kagura called she said " Hayaaaa i invited hanabi to iut party is it ok?" I said "if you're good im good too" she said "oh so hows preparation? " i said "well dad has many lesson to teach..."


Old man talking
So haya! When its morning greet youre wife and blahblahblahhh i cantt listeeen anymoreeee hes beeen teaching meee for a week before the wedding and hes giving me headaches...

Everyone is on the bride maid party and the guys(idk wat u call it ahah sorry)


AHHHH!!! Angela said " kaguraaa you're late! I said "sorry i overslept" she said "ok lets get started" as she called nana and brought their cute stuff and dressed me as i look to the mirror i look Good and they even gave me a cute bun..
Well my wedding is summer themed OwO
As my brides maid said kagura Youre soo Beautiful! As i said oh do i?
They said yes your haya is lucky to have you!
As i looked to the mirror in deep thoughts.. FORN AN HOUR! Then they ccalled me and said the wedding is starting position!

As my bride arrived everything stopped my heart even beat faster than ever i knew from the start she's the one!

Well this is it im gonna marry the girl ive been waiting for many years.. as i hold her hand and walked to the altar we looked at each other .. as we arrived there we did our vows and its the time to kiss her she pulled me first instead of me making my move...
Who knew waiting will be the key.. for us to be.. if i didnt waited who will i be with? In th end shes the only girl i will love i promise i wont hurt you....till we die till our next life i promise to be with you as always .

Who knew out simple love story would end like this?

THE END.... (Jk this is not the end ahahahah)

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