Chapter 7: the first flashback

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~Keith pov ~(These are only for around the flashbacks you'll get people's thoughts and stuff then it goes back to no pov/ 3rd person after the main bits of flashback as well as the flashbacks being that way)

I sat on the floor crossed legs with shiro next to me and yuki sat facing us thinking about what to ask us I guess, it was really awkward because she looked almost identical to Shiro's sister, the only difference were the alteans marks and the ears

Before yuki could even start her first question Kyra ran in shouting

"NOPE NOPE NOT HAPPENING, go bug Lacy!" She sighed and sat with yuki "Sorry pidge was right he is insufferable when it comes to flirting"

"Like lacy then" Yuki smirked

Kyra nodded leaning on yuki "so have any questions been asked yet?"

"You just asked the first one" Keith deadpanned


"Can you tell us about our past selves?"

Kyra smiled "sure"

"Our brothers were best friends since they were young children and when they were being pulled apart from duty prince Keith didn't want to loose shiro....

~3rd person/ no pov~

Keith rushed past low ranking soldiers to get to shiro "shiro" the teens were close friends and shiro was about to gain a rank when Keith realised his love for the other

Shiro turned to Keith "prince, Keith what's wrong the ceremony is in an hour you should be getting ready"

"I know but I need to tell you something. I love you, I've loved you for so long but never realised, i don't care if I am disowned for loving another man, i love you Takashi Shirogane"

Shiro stares at the prince "Keith, I love you too but what will your father say, we could both loose everything...."

"I want to join the army I don't care what rank as long as i'm by your side" Keith blurted

Shiro smiles at the response and hugged the prince "you still need to get ready for the ceremony, and be quick before your father or sisters find you here"

Keith nodded kissing Shiro's cheek before dashing to his room to prepare to watch the man he loved raise in the army's ranks. A knock came at his door and he walked to answer it having just put his red tunic on to see his father "hello father what brings you to my chamber before the ceremony"

"I was told you wanted to join the army, that you loved soon to be commander Shirogane"

Keith froze from tying his hair back "so you disapprove of me father is that why you came to my chambers?"

"No I don't disapprove before I fell for your mother or allura's mother i loved coran my advisor" he smiled

Keith turned to his father awestruck "really?"

"I've never stopped loving him though, our rendezvous ended when our duties got in the way of our relationship, which is why I know you want to join the army to join him and be by his side,
Though as the oldest you understand that when I die you will have to take your place as king and if before I die you ask me to bless your relationship with the commander then I would be happy to"

Keith smiled and hugged king Alfor  "thank you father, I want to make you proud"

"You already do make me proud, you stand tall, you follow your heart, your smart and you have a big heart" Alfor smiles at his son

Keith smiled "really?"

Alfor nodded "now finish getting ready for the ceremony" the king stood and left the room

Keith did as he was told and rushed to the ceremony

After the ceremony Keith found shiro and hugged him tightly "I love you so much. Father is okay with our relationship"

Shiro smiled and held the prince close "that's great Keith" he kissed the prince gently

~End flashback ~

~Keith pov~

I sat there in shock of how their relationship began "I kinda crashed a commander only party at the garrison this time so he was definitely better at timing" I hadn't realised I had said it out loud until Shiro hugged me tightly

"I just feel left out  sometimes because I can't have dairy products because of an allergy that's also called being lactose intolerant" I mumbled when they asked about us again.
This went on for a while of the asking us questions

Being within the lions (name subject to change if i think of a better one)Where stories live. Discover now