The Honeymoon part II

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“Hey wake up” I heard his voice.  Did I hear concern in his voice? Why was everything blank anyways?

I felt cold hands on my arms, shaking me.  I slowly opened my eyes to see a very angry Damian. 

He sighed.  “The next time you run off, its over.” He said and helped me up.  I looked down and saw the bloody hole I fell into. Who digs a hole in the middle of a path?

We walked all the way to the house with him grumpy and mumbling how stupid I was.   The sky went from sunny morning to a grey dark. 

“Shit” my husband stopped in front of me and I bumped right on his back.  He was looking up “It’s going to rain” he said and turned to me.

“I trust you have enough energy to run?” he asked and I nodded.  By the time we reached the house however, we were both soaked. 

I walked immediately to my room and headed for a warm bath.  It was nice to soak in bubbly warm water after being in the dirt and running though my feet hurt like hell after my fall.

I stared at the ceiling, wondering again, about my life.  A month ago I was a graduate and now I am on my honeymoon.  I shook my head.  Was I in some kind of movie?

Suddenly the lights went off and it was pitch dark in the bathroom.  I froze in the water.  I could not see anything and it must be around 1 in the evening.

What the hell do I do? Scream for help?  Help from my husband?

Before I could think of anything, I heard a knock on my door.

“You ok?” came his irritated voice.

“Uhmm what happened?” I asked, I definitely cannot tell him I am scared of the dark. 

“The lights went off.” He said as though I should have known.  Of course I know dumbass! I wanted to shout. 

“There’s a cyclone.  While the privacy of this island is its attraction, it’s a disadvantage in times like this.  No electrician is willing to come in this weather” he said.  I sighed.

Cool! No electricity meant no lights, no heater. And the weather was getting worse.

“You need light in there?” he asked and I nodded, then realise he could not see me.

“Yeah, just leave it by the door” I said and he opened the door, placed the candle on the floor and closed the door again.

I sighed and got up, dried myself and wrapped myself in the bathrobe.  I took the candle and walked towards the kitchen area.  I was actually starving…but then, there was no electricity in which to cook.

“Hungry?” I heard his voice from behind.  I jumped when all I saw was a dark silhouette.  He was walking about in the dark!

“Yeah” I said and he asked me to sit down.  Unlike this morning, he was making food.  “Do you always run away like that?”

“Only when people are over bearing” I stated.  I know I was being irritating, but I was cold, my feet hurt and there was no damned light.

I sighed.  “Am sorry.  It was just too much to handle”

“The honeymoon?” he asked then scoffed.  “I have enough models to keep me entertained.  I really am not going to pounce on you” he said and though this was all a contract, it did hurt a bit to hear him say that.  Oh well, I am no beauty why would he want me anyways!

“No, it’s since the wedding, my mother…everything in general” I said truthfully.  I kept everything bottled inside and it suddenly came bursting out when we had that argument.

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