McMillian Family Dinner part I

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It was only two weeks after he came back that I got to see a glimpse of him.  I was having a midnight snack in the kitchen when he said “Eating again” behind my back, making me jump.

He stood at the doorframe and glared at me.  “Am not disturbing anyone by eating” I said, increasing my pace to get the hell out of here.  He looked tired and handsome, and that combination did not work well for me.

He walked in to get some water.  “Slow down or you will choke” he warned.

“And you would like that, won’t you” I retorted.  Why was I even angry at him? I spent a good two weeks happily without a glimpse of him.  I should be happy!

“I would” he said with a smile, as though he was relishing the thought.  “However, I kind of need you.” He said, which made me slow down and look up at him.

“My mother will hold her McMillian family dinner in two days.  I need you to be ready” he said and drained his glass.

I nodded. 

He narrowed his eyes at me.  “I mean you need to act prim and proper, dress in the way my wife would dress.  And control that tongue of yours when you are talking to me in front of people.” He said and walked off.

I was literally boiling in anger.  I am good mannered enough to be with my in-laws and I did not need to go to some finishing school bulshit.  Why did he have to be so condescending?  I shook my head.  I was perfectly fine to meet the McMillians.  I did not need to dress to impress.  I was very sure if that. 

And as always, it turned out I was wrong.  As soon as I walked into the McMillian house, I immediately felt intimidated and under dressed.  My husband again was dressed impeccably and so was everyone else.  As I analysed the room, I realised just how big the McMillian clan was.  Movie celebrities, Politicians, Models everyone was here.

Luckily no one saw me and I dashed towards the far end of the room, hoping to go unseen.  I was to arrive alone as my husband had gone there directly after work.  He had even left a note this morning, warning me again to dress and behave well.  I cringed inwards, regretting not listening to him….again.

I thought back about my parents’ family dinners.  Small gathering of only closest family and friends and everyone was casually dressed.  We were just around 10 people.  This room was full of formally dressed people, including some of the most powerful people in the world.

I had a strange feeling of being watched and turned to my husband, looking at me as though he would very much like to kill me.

Without a word, he grabbed my hand and dragged me to some room.  He closed the door with a bang. 

“What the hell is wrong with you?” he roared.  He did look very very mad.

And I had to admit, it was really my fault.  “Am So-“

“Don’t you dare say it!” he cut me.  He looked very mad, and I felt real chills down my spine.  The last time he said those words and I did not listen, it led to a very intimate moment, something I did not want again, so I kept quiet.

“Acting all honest and wanting to use your own money to buy your stuff is cute, but I warned you about this.” He said and sighed, visibly trying to calm himself down.

He walked to some closest, and brought out a box.  “Wear this” he flung it on the bed and stood there.

“I don’t t”

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