I'll be there for you

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“Baby, I mean it.  I will work hard to give you whatever you want”

She scoffed and her face distorted into something evil.  “You are nothing but a worthless man!  Jared is the kind of man I love, not you” she said and I could feel the spite in her voice from behind the door.

“You cannot leave.  What about Damian?  He needs his mother” he said, pleading.

“And I needed a man able to take care of me” she said, locking her suitcase.

“Was it always about the money?” his voice was low and cracked.  The man who was my pillar of strength was finally shattered by her.

She smiled that cruel, evil smile.  “You promised me the world and when you could not deliver you thought to get me pregnant to stop me from leaving?  Well, just see if that will make me stay” she said and walked out, saw me standing there and smiled, cruelly.

Demetria's POV 

I saw him shaking and I held his hand again.  “Am here.  Everything is fine.  You are safe” I say, hoping my words will get through him.  He has been sleeping for 2 days now.  But apparently the doctor said him shaking just meant he is in a deep sleep.

“I love you so much Damian…please wake up” I say for the millionth time, tears brimming in my eyes. 

This man, this arrogant man, so virile and handsome was lying lifeless.  It pained me to see him in pain.  I dabbed the sweat from his brow. 

I continue whispering things to him, hoping he will reply, his witty comments.  Hoping to see him smirk in that arrogantly handsome way of his.  Please Damian…anything.  Just wake up.


“You think you can get married again?” she laughed cruelly.  “You cannot provide for any woman.  You will never be able to keep a woman happy.” She said, poison oozing out of her voice.

She turned and saw me, “From today onwards I will be free from you.  You are so much like your gutless father” and those were her last words to me.  I stare after her in the wedding chapel.  She came to try and ruin my dad’s wedding.  I looked at my dad, why would he want to marry again? And I felt anger, at my dad, at the new wife.  I knew I would not make his mistakes.

Demetria's POV

“You should get some rest” Katherine says and I stare blankly at her.  After her outburst two days before, it is the first time she came into the room.

“Come on.  You need something to eat” she said and walked me to the cafeteria. 

“Am sorry for what I said” she said, her sad face still beautiful. 

“Am sure it’s a stressful time for you too.” I managed to say.

“It is.  He went through a lot and you leaving…he was a wreck” she said and I look at her. 

“Before? I ask, confused.  Did he someone else leave him? 

“You should ask him that.  It’s really his story to tell.  I had my doubts about your marriage, but when you left, I thought he would be free.” She said and frowned.

“Don’t worry.  Am not leaving.” I said, making sure my determination can be felt.  She glanced up and managed a weak smile.

“I should go back.” I say and get up.  On my way to his room, I see a ton of flowers, and some people.  Were they all here before?  So many flowers.

“They are from his well-wishers” Mrs Primrose says, patting my back.  I manage a weak smile and walk in the room.

As soon as I sit down, I take his hand.  This man might be cruel to me, but he was a kind and generous man to the world. 

I feel my and getting squeezed and my body goes on alert.  Did he just?

Damian opens his eyes and looks surprised.  He is up! He woke up!

Before I can get up to call the nurse, he raises a weak hand and touches my cheek.  “You came” then passes out again.

The last two hours were harrowing.  He finally woke up.  The doctors finally emerged from the room and said everything was fine.  I sighed.  I looked at others.  His mother and sister were there, telling me to go in first. 

I hesitated by the door, but then took in a deep breath.  This was it. 

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