9. P E R R I E

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❤ zayn, shawnmends, zendaya and 856,090 others

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zayn, shawnmends, zendaya and 856,090 others

perrieedwards People confuse me

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louist91 cause you didn't study hard in school and that's why everything makes you confused..🙉🙊
perrieedwards @louist91 talking about your self are we 😂

alex missing you 😘😘

perrieedwards @alex Me too

littkemixupdates RELATABLE 😶

zerrieaf are you fucking serious Zayn liked again

elliehemmingss what happened? Text meeee

perrieedwards @elliehemmingss I'm okay gal

zerriewillrise astgebdkskcahb WTF is happening

perriecupcake You deserves all the happiness ❤

alexrrie @zayn dude leave.... This isn't your place

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