92. P E R R I E

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❤jadethriwall, louist91 lukehemmings and 856,090 others

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jadethriwall, louist91 lukehemmings and 856,090 others

perrieedwards He was upset because I ate the last piece of Pizaa. 🍕


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lukehemmings I'm still talking to you only because you're cute 😙
perrieedwards @lukehemmings I know 😂

louist9 when are you coming back?
perrieedwards @louist9 oiii oiii my bestie is missing me 😁😁😁

ashtonirwin damn Perrie I'm jealous of you
perrieedwards @ashtonirwin haha why?
lukehemmings @perrieedwards don't listen to him he just speaks rubbish 😬

littkemixupdates ❤❤❤

zerrierised did anyone noticed Zayn hasn't comment and even liked.
zerriex @zerrierised hopefully he is busy... Hopefully

1d_update I'm confused what should I shipped Zerrie or Lurrie 😂😂

lukeworld gonna change my account to lourrie one 😍😍😍😍

Dont worry the luke drama will end soon. Maybe 😉

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