26. T W I T T E R

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Does seriously perrie thinks she would get back with zayb like WTF

Zayn's queen
Perrie needs to get over Zayn...she litteraly ruined zigi realtionship

Is it only me or anyone else thought 'damn perrie actually work Hard' when I heard about the zigi breakup.

Okay I officially hate Perrie... Doesn't have she any life or self respect.

Can't Perrie just get over Zayn like doesn't she got a boyfriend?

Never saw a bigger slut than Perrie Edwards in my whole life #ihateperrie

Well we all know that Pe8trie needs attention that's why she is doing this

Mrs. Malik
Are u kidding me don't this girl have any thing to do instead of running others people's life #suchaslut


Okay if you guys have read this chapter before than its edited. As you can see.

So I saw a artical on a website about people hating Perrie. (Check the media)

There were few tweets about hating Perrie. So I got the screenshot from there and posted them. I don't even have a twitter acc btw.

I have already said this in my first chapter that I don't any of images used in the books.

And I'm not hating on anyone... I don't even know this guys in perosn life.

But just asking causally why this website would used someone profile name to post fake tweets? And should you guys should be careful about it?

I don't know if the tweets are fake or not. But I'm definitely going to believe what I see. And I saw them (they are still up there BTW) and I simply believe them.

I'm sorry if I had hurt someone's feelings.

▶ What you guys do in real life? (Aha 😅 'real')

I just completed my high school and my collage is going to start from 16 July in Economics honors

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