49. P E R R I E

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❤zayn, jesynelson, louist91 and 874,751 others

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❤zayn, jesynelson, louist91 and 874,751 others

perrieedwards The doubters are just dreamers with broken heart ♥️

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iloveperrie is that some things to do with Zayn?

zaddy why you always wants attention? 😑😑

perriecupcake I knew Zayn would hurt her.... She deserves better

zerriex what happened? I'm panicking 😰

zigiisbetter did they broke up wait they weren't even dating lol... 😂

zerriewillrise do you and Zayn had any fights or anything please.... Please stay together I can't handle another zerrie break up

pezz_ your eyes are so beautiful but that caption is upsetting me

alexerrie GET BACK WITH ALEX PLEASE.... 🙏🙏🙏

> Have you ever had tried to cut your own hair?
I did just a bit from the side. And it looked shit.

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