Chapter 79: Runaway

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(( Elliot POV ))

Busting through the glass suddenly I looked  down in surprise as my wings bash around me as my feet hung loosly off the ground. I was flying.

Guess if you have wings you can .... That was something I never even though possible, yet ever since this hole demon ordeal everything that seemed impossible was now possible.

I looked down at Bianca's tiny frame as she held thighly onto me. Her soft skin lightly bruised. It was evident she had gone through hell and back.

I could see all the guards Bellow trying to figure out what to do, as  they looked our way.

" I think is time we get out of here " vetis added. And for once I could not agree more with  him .

"That was probably one of the most reckless things I ever done" I said softly as I caressed biacas shoulder, right before I flied away, my wings bashing strongly around me.

Surrounded by so many guards I went in without a plan. I could had gotten us all killed . Yet just seeing he there squirming in pain, I could not stop myself. It was like that first time, my body moved on it's own.

" Well aren't you Captain obvious " vetis said on an unamused tone " thankfully I though of something last minute "

" Thank you ... " I said softly in the back of my mind . It had not been because of him , well we probably be all dead by now

" Don't mention it it ... Like ever . I am so charging you interest for this own " Vetis said as a sight escaped him. He was probably very glad we got out of there somehow.

" ELLIOT " I could hear Aziels voice again buzzing in my ear . Seems like being out of that building made the signal come back

" Hey master. Mission success I got the girl "

I could hear a grunt on the other side of the microphone

" Just meet me outside of the docs so we can regroup " he said sounding relieved yet upset at the same time

I looked down as I was flying right over the docs already. I could see the image of my master leaning behind some metal containers keeping his cover

" I am already here " I said as I attempted to land.

Of course having no knowledge of what I was doing my landing was rather ... Clumsy

Almost batshing myself into the metal containers I stop with just enough time to keep Bianca from slamming against the metal surface.

I could see my masters lips drop as the cigarette he carried in them fell to the ground.

" Ummm surprise ? " I said trying to cheer up the mood as I slowly windrawled my wings and let them linger softly over my back.

" Your nuts " he said regaining his composure as he began to walk " let's get out of here before they spot us... And put those wings away for God sake ! "

Doing as I was told I found it less painful to windraw them this time around . Probably had to do with the fact that I was well feed this time around .

As we walked I could feel Bianca's small frame trembled in my arms . I must had scared her with my landing.

I held her close to my chest and caresses her back " hey it's ok "

I was surprise for her not to say anything as she whimpered softly.

Aziel looked over his shoulder and let out a sight " just give her time Elliot... Poor thing is probably traumatized "

I let a sight. I knew he was probably right , yet I could not help but feel responsible for taking so long to come and get her...

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