Chapter 17

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After Silverpaw and Wolfpaw returned from Shadowclan in silence, they explained to Nightstar where they were and what happened with Frostpaw at the Shadowclan camp.

Nightstar looked absolutely bewildered when she heard that Frostpaw only did this for revenge. "He had so much potential to become a great warrior. But hatred spoiled it." There was a distant look in her unblinking eyes.

"Nevertheless, you have to be punished in some form or way, or what kind of leader would I be? You need to learn that there are consequences for your actions. Next gathering, you can sit in your dens all night. Am I clear?"

"Yes," Silverpaw and Wolfpaw say at the same time as they leave their leaders den.

"Want some fresh-kill after all that walking?" Wolfpaw asks politely.

"Yeah, why not," Silverpaw answers.

Wolfpaw and Silverpaw walk over to the fresh-kill pile. Wolfpaw picks up a plump vole, then shakes his head and grabs a scrawny mouse. Before Silverpaw can take a bite of the creature, she starts to feel slightly nauseous and at a loss of appetite.

"Umm...I'm not that hungry, you can have all of it," Silverpaw utters, pushing the mouse towards Wolfpaw. Silverpaw starts to feel sick to her stomach.

"Oh no," Silverpaw mutters under her breath. She rushes out of the camp.

"Silverpaw?" Wolfpaw calls after her as he follows her next to a tree.

"I think you'd wanna look away right about now," Silverpaw tells Wolfpaw. Silverpaws gag reflex takes over her body and by the time she was done she was standing over a pile of vomit. Looking at the vomit made Silverpaw feel even more nauseous.

"Your right, I should've looked away," Wolfpaw says with a disgusted look on his face, but his eyes had a slight humor to them.

"But really, you should see Windwhisper," Wolfpaw says concerned. Silverpaw shrugs at the idea. But Wolfpaw touches Silverpaw lightly with his tail tip and leads her towards the medicine cat den.

"Fine. But only if you come with me," Silverpaw meows. The expression on her face firm.

"I was going to anyways," Wolfpaw mentions, making Silverpaw purr. They enter the den to be filled with the sweet scent of herbs and find that Windwhisper was sorting dry herbs from fresh.

"Hey Windwhisper. I've been feeling nauseous and I threw up. Can you tell me what's wrong with me?" Silverpaw asks as she nears the pool of water in the dip in the ground, being filled by a mini waterfall. Silverpaw dipped her head and lapped a few drops of water from the pool.

"Hmmm...Let me see..." She pauses to think for a while. "You said you've been nauseous and threw up, right?"

"Yeah, sooo?" Silverpaw asks. "Is it anything bad," Silverpaw continues.

"Is your appetite altered? Like one minute you want food and the next you don't?" Windwhisper asked, like she read read Silverpaw's mind.

"Yeah. I have. So what?" Silverpaw replies. Curiosity pricking her pelt but also anxiety.

"Um. I think I know what it is," Wolfpaw announces, the first time he spoke since they entered the den.

"She know?" Wolfpaw asked, not saying it aloud incase he was wrong. Trying to see if he was correct.

"I'm what?" Silverpaw asked.

"Yes, Wolfpaw. She is," Windwhisper told Wolfpaw, tuning Silverpaw out.

"Oh, no," was all Wolfpaw replied to that. His eyes nor expression revealed nothing. Just surprise and fear.

"What. Am. I." Silverpaw screams, spacing out each word as if she was talking to a kit.

"Your pregnant," Windwhisper says, looking at the den floor.

The End

(Word Count 600)

Hope you can read book 2 to see what happens next. Sorry I ended the book to on a cliff hanger. K bye!

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