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I signed as I walked through the thick forest, straining my eyes to try to see at least the gates of the village. Ryoko told me that I'd just have to walk for about 5 minutes in this direction and then I'd reach it, but it's been nearly half an hour! And this part of the forest is loaded with greenery, I've been whacked in the face by sticks at least 5 times now!

Not to mention that the Land of Fire is really hot, hence the name and me and heat do not go well together. I've always been used to the cold environment of Korigakure since I spent more than half of my life there, and I've only recently arrived in the Land of Fire, and the only thing I can really say is that I hate it.

The heat, the trees, and the fact that I almost drowned. Out of all the places, why did it have to be Konoha? And I'll just be having to get used to the immense temperatures of this forsaken place for about a whole freaking year. Man, I'm so going to have a major tan after this.

When I get to Konoha, I'm going to have to come up with a dumb sob story. I don't think it will be hard for me to come up with one at the last minute, but I'd better plan one before I arrive, because  I don't want to screw it up at the last moment. I need everything to be absolutely perfect. I can't leave any holes or flaws in my story. I don't know how good the interrogators at Konoha are, but I do know that I should not underestimate them at all. I have to act as if they're the absolute best, otherwise things will not go smoothly. If there is any gaps in my story (which there shouldn't be), then I will just pretend that I have forgotten.

So maybe I'll be a girl whose parents abandoned her in the forest and... No, not that.. Maybe bandits could've killed my parents? And they left me with terrible wounds but however didn't kill me and I dragged myself to Konoha.. If I do that story then I'll have to actually wound myself, but not too severely. My intention is not to kill myself, obviously.

It does seem somewhat risky, but then again, trying to infiltrate Konoha isn't exactly safe either. So I guess this story will work, just with more details.

My parents and I could be travelers from the Land of Water, and we've been traveling all around places for about 3 months, and then we arrive in the Land of Fire in the far outskirts of Konoha... So we decide to take a break because it's getting dark, and we prepare to sleep outside. But when we're about to sleep, bandits come to raid us for our food. They slice my mother and father in the throat, in front of me. I'm too shocked to react, and then they cut me with their blade from my chest to my left hip, and leave me to die.. but I manage to survive and crawl myself to Konoha.

I'm going to have slight amnesia, but I will remember a majority of the story. So now I've got the basics of my story laid out. Good.

But there's still a few problems. Will I be able to use my kekkei genkai? Will they recognize me? Will I need to use a fake name?

Members of the Shigemi can are quite famous for their peculiar kekkei genkai, so if I'm going to use it then that automatically throws out the possibility of using a fake name. But if I do use it, I will probably recognized, because why would a Shigemi be all the way in Konoha? I doubt the Holage would want a rogue, especially one like me, to be residing in his village.

I guess I will use a fake surname, however my first name should be fine. The problem is that I can't use my kekkei genkai, and I rely on it mostly for battle. I wish I had trained up my other skills since I'm practically useless without it, but this will give me a good opportunity to be powerful without just relying in it.

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