Bonus Harry Chapter

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•Events take place during Chapter Thirty-Two•

I watch as Y/N and Niall walk away together and drive off without a second glance. I know that he's her friend too, but I envy the fact that she's choosing to go with him rather than hearing me out. Now that I think about it, however, it's not like I have been very forthcoming with information. I just want it all behind me so I can move on. With her in my life, preferably.

I groan, tugging at my hair. What the fuck have I done? I need to make this right. I pull out my phone and repeatedly start to call her. When that doesn't work, I resort to sending her an unreasonable amount of text messages.

I need to talk to her. I straighten up. Yes, that's exactly what I need to do. I will go to her house, explain the whole situation, and then she'll see that I've been doing this for us. Then, she will forgive me and we won't have to take a stupid break.

After making a few phone calls to my guys letting them know not to bother me all night, I hop into my car and gun the engine. I have no time to waste.

I park the car on the street across her house. My hand is closing around the handle when I begin to doubt myself. What if she is really angry that I came after her? But don't all girls love that shit from the movies where the guy chases after the girl to win them back? Fuck, I don't know. Maybe she doesn't.

After half an hour of psyching myself up, I decide to go for it. I step out of my car and briskly start walking to Y/N's backyard. I nod to myself as I formulate a plan. I'll climb up her window and thoroughly explain myself to her. She needs to know that I have been away from her so I can ultimately be with her. I've been making preparations to give it all up to be with her. I'm in love with her. And she doesn't know it yet.

The wet grass is slick under my shoes and I slow down to keep myself from slipping. Last thing I need is some idiot on the neighborhood watch peeking out their window and calling the cops on a prowler or potential burglar.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Niall's voice comes out of nowhere.

No, not nowhere. He's standing under a tree, its shade blocking the light from the street lamp.

"The fuck," escapes from my mouth out of surprise as I fight to keep my balance. "Niall, what are you doing here?"

He steps out, almost quite menacingly. "I can ask you the same thing." He nods towards the window. "But trust me. Don't go up there."

"And why the hell not? I need to talk to her and she hasn't been answering my calls or texts."

"That's because she turned her cell phone off."

"She told you that?"

He nods.

"Shit!" I loudly exclaim.

"Keep your voice down," Niall hisses.

Our eyes flicker above us. He's right. There is nothing worse than a Y/N who hasn't gotten her sleep.

"That's because she doesn't want to talk to you, Harry," he continues. "You need to give her some space," he tells me. "For at least a night. She has been trying to speak with you for a couple of days. You can't just decide when and if you talk to her on your own terms. It doesn't work like that."

"Don't you think I know that?" I groan.

He arches a brow. "Do you?"

"Well, not before, exactly. I didn't realize what she might have interpreted my absence as, but it obviously isn't good." I sigh. Now that I think about it, I can recall some instances in which I had interrupted her while she was trying to tell me something. "I fucked up, Niall. Big time."

"I know, man," he says sympathetically. "Things will work out in the end, though. You'll see."

"I'm scared they won't," I admit, leaning against the house. "I don't want to lose her. It would hurt too much."

"Just take her feelings and wishes into consideration before making any spontaneous decisions. Take your time."

"I don't want to her to give up on us and find someone new. Someone better."

"Do you really think she would move on from you that quickly?" Niall asks.

I blow out a breath, shaking my head. "No, she wouldn't." I look up at her window one last time.

"What have you been doing with all your time? I don't see you anymore either. Well, it's not like I'm getting invited to all the meetings," he drawls.

I turn to him. "You know that you need time to get better. You can't just jump back into things."

"I am better."

I roll my eyes, unconvinced.

"You still haven't answered my question."

I drag my hands over my face. "It's a long answer."

"I have time," he replies. When I don't say anything he says, "Come on, let's grab a bite and cool you down. My treat."

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