Painfull Weeks and Days

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Pinkie pie was fixing up some of her delicious goods in Equestria. In Sugarcube Corner she was really happy with all her friends helping her. Of course she was sad that Rainbowdash went to move to a place and not come with Pinkie. Rainbowdash didn't wanna move because she had a HUGE crush on Pinkie. Yeah! Pinkie didn't know that though. She is just sad she couldn't see her pranking buddy forever. Sometimes Pinkie cries to sleep when her friends talk about Rainbowdash.
Anyway! Pinkie pie got to deliever her goods to all of Equestria. In the end of the day she is done. And she loved her job.


Monday was the worst day of Pinkie pie's life. First of all Mr. and Mrs. Cake and the cake twins needed to go to Canterlot for a few weeks so Pinkie pie had to take care of all the tough stuff that Mrs. Cake does.


Pinkie pie was really bored. She couldn't do anything and she didn't even get up for her friends. She didn't even see Rainbowdash for 1 month already and this is the secconed day of June. Rainbowdash left at May 1rst. (Witch was my birthday!) Pinkie couldn't stop thinking about Rainbowdash. And she is sure that Rainbowdash is thinking about her too.

In that day she walked to Fluttershy's cottage and saw Fluttershy packing her specail things about Rainbowdash. She even cried. "Whats wrong Fluttershy?" Pinkie said.

"I-I-I miss Rainbowdash! I really miss her the things we've been through together........" Fluttershy said. Pinkie sat and cried.

She did the same to her other friends. When she arrived at Sugarcube Corner herself. She didn't know what to do except cry.


The mane 5 went on the trip to the Everfree Forest for a little Vacation. Pinkie pie is still deflated and not have any fun. All her friends tried to cheer Pinkie up but they can't.

They spent their night camping.

2 weeks later

The mane 5 had to battle a beast and Rainbowdash was the Element of Loyalty and they can't do the Element of Loyalty without her. Pinkie pie was worried again. She is still deflated and she couldn't think she could defeat the beast. Love will hurt. Love hurts. She can't spent the day without her. Or battle with a really big beast! Especially that. A big beast!

So instead of using the elements they fight! Fight for Ponyville! They battled! "GO LITTLE DOGGY!!!" Applejack yelled and the beast knocked Applejack on a tree. Applejack got back on her feet. Twilight and Starlight and Rarity used a spell to get the beast out of the way. But the beast did the same thing he did to Applejack.

Fluttershy was too scared to move. Pinkie pie tried to fight! She punched the beast's head! Then the beast did the same to Pinkie but harder. He did it more harder in all times. He punched Pinkie's tummy and blood came out of her mouth and nose. Fluttershy saw and she got really mad. "Nopony! Not even YOU can hurt my BEST friend that lost her most bestest and bestest friend!! You don't you dare hurt her again! If you do! I'll PUNCH YOU!! I'LL HURT YOU!!! I'LL KILL YOU TO DEATH!!!!" Fluttershy punched hard. She did it for her friend and the beast is the same thing that happened to Pinkie. The beast ran away because he couldn't take it anymore. "YEAH!! GO RUN AWAY!!! NEVER HURT MY FRIEND AGAIN!!!!"
Everypony saw what happened.
Fluttershy saw Pinkie and blood spilled out everywhere in Pinkie's body. "Pinkie.......I-I-I'm sorry......"

"Pinkie! Are you okay!? Pinkie! Wake up!" Twilight said but no answer from Pinkie pie. Fluttershy cried and Applejack tried to comfort her.

"Do you think she is going to be okay!? It has been tight months for her latly." Starlight said.

"You wern't there when Rainbowdash was gone! But I'm glad you care Starlight. Everypony lets bring Pinkie to the hospital! She needs help!" Twilight said and they all nodded. They brought Pinkie to the hospital.

"I hope she is okay.........." Fluttershy said.

"We need to right a letter to Princess Celestia. Now!" Twilight said. Spike got the letter quickly.

'Dear Princess Celestia,

We need you help now! Pinkie pie is hurt and Rainbowdash is out and we can't use the Elements of Harmany without laughter and Loyalty. And of course Pinkie is not feeling any better. Will you pleace help us!?

Your student
Twilight Sparkle'

Spike sented the letter to Princess Celestia and hoped that Pinkie is okay.
The doctor came.

"How is she?!" Applejack said.

"I suggest you be careful. She needs to NOT WORRY or NOT TO FEEL BAD! It's a really wierd disease. We don't know yet. But she needs to not worry or not to feel bad about herself or anypony else. But for the most part she is okay. She still knows what is going on and she is not in a coma." The doctor said. They all smiled in relief.

All they prayed is for Pinkie to get better.

I hope you do some math! How many months did Pinkie stayed without Rainbowdash?!

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