Powers of the pie

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1 week later

Pinkie pie has been busy planning party's. It's been a while now. And she has been doing lots of work when Mrs. Cake is coming here. Pinkie ate a pie. 'I remembered the time when Rainbowdash didn't like pie.' Pinkie pie said. Pinkie sighed.

"Hey Pinkie!" Spike said.

"Hi Spike." Pinkie said. "I didn't tell you this but when we had that sleepover last year I sended a letter to Rainbowdash. It was like magic. I just closed my eyes and it was gone and it acually worked!"

"Really?!" Spike said. "There must have been some magic inside you or something."

"Maybe......." Pinkie said. "Lets try." Spike gave her a piece of paper and a quil. Pinkie wrote:

Dear Dashie,

I don't know what happened last week but.......I think I have powers on my hoof. I think you know whats happening?...

Your cheerful friend,
Pinkie pie

Pinkie now closted her eyes and Spike looked. The piece of paper flew into the sky. And a Rainbow blast! And it disappeared. "WOW!! PINKIE THAT WAS AMAZING!!!"

"I didn't even see anything. And.....it just disappeared in my hooves." Pinkie said.

"Thats what you think." Spike said. Pinkie rolled her eyes.

She continued to do her work. And Spike got a broom and sweeped the floor. Then he triped and the broom and the dust pan almost fell into Pinkie's head. She blocked it with her hooves and Spike saw. Pinkie opened her eyes and she saw a rainbow glow! And the dust pan and broom went back where they belong. "Wow!" Pinkie said. Pinkie looked at her hooves. "When.....did.....what?!"

"See! Told ya! Show it to your friends!" Spike said.

"I don't know......" Pinkie said. "I might be something that I don't even know about like......a thing. Or a.....maybe....evil pony?"

"Haha! Your joking right?! You would NEVER turn to an evil pony! Or......some sort of that.....you have MAGIC!!! Rainbowy, Awesome magic! When did you have that sort of memory thing?" Spike said.

"I......I-I don't know. It's just a feeling in my mined......" Pinkie said. "Well whatever that cracky feeling is I'm sure it will be over soon!"

"I hope so." Spike said.

In a few miniutes Mrs and Mr. Cake and the twin Cakes arrived home. And Pinkie slept.

1 year later

"Uggggg" Pinkie said tired. She rubbed her eyes. "Mrs. Cake?...."

"Pinkie dear! Oh my goodness are you okay?" Mrs. Cake said.

"I'm okay......! And really OKAY!!!" Pinkie said. Her hair was still deflated.

"I hope you are okay....." Mrs. Cake said. "Your friends are waiting for you there outside."

"Really!?" Pinkie said. She got up and walked downstairs. She saw her friends. "Oh.....no Dashie. I forgot." She smiled and jumped towards them.

"Come on Pinkie! We have something specail to show you in the Castle!" Twilight said.

"Really!?" Pinkie said.

"Yea....." Fluttershy said.

Pinkie walked beside Rarity. Pinkie frowned. Rarity looked at her. "Are you alright Pinkie?..." Rarity said.

"I am alright! Don't worry about me. I'm FUNNNN as I'll ever be!!" Pinkie said and got her party cannon and exploded it to Rarity's mane. She frowned. "Sorry Rarity."

They arrived in the Castle. "Hey ponies! Do you wanna play a game!?" Pinkie said.

"Alot Pinkie pie today huh?" Twilight said.

"I think your super magic got you into this Pinkie!" Spike said. A note appeared next to Pinkie. Pinkie read:

Dear Pinkie,

Sorry I have not come untill now. I don't know why though. I love you Pinkie. It's been 3 years. Love you Pinkie.

Your awesome friend,

Pinkie smiled. 'Thanks Rainbowdash.'

They arrived on the thrown. Pinkie sat and a rainbow glow surrounded her. "Huh?!"

"Pinkie! What are you doing?!" Twilight said.

"I'm not doing anything!!" Pinkie said. She floated on the air and giggled like she always do. Another rainbow glow appeared. And it stopped. Pinkie was back to normal. Pinkie opened her eyes. "That was FUN!!"

The mane 4 gasped and Spike and Starlight too. Pinkie looked at them. "What?" Pinkie said.

"You just sprouted...... Rainbow WINGS!!" Twilight said.

"Really!?" Pinkie said. She looked at it. Her eyes glowed. "This. Is. AMAZING!!! I cross my heart and HOPE TO FLY!!" Pinkie put a cupcake on her eye. "Stick a cupcake on my eye!"

"At least she is happy." Fluttershy said.

Pinkie pie flew gracefully. Everypony was smiling and Pinkie was also smiling. Pinkie was now happy.

1 year later

Twilight and the others except Pinkie went to the Castle. They talked about what they needed to do with Pinkie. Spike got a letter. "Rainbow dash's letter!" Twilight said. She read aloud:

Dear Friends except Pinkie,

I'm not writing this to Pinkie because lots of things have been going on since I was not there. My wings turned pink. Everypony loved it though. My parents said that without Pinkie my life would be ruined so my mom said that we are now going to live there 3 years more! 3 years more untill I will be there! And plan a big party for me and Pinkie! I will be in that party and you will surprise Pinkie like before.
My parents said let me marry Pinkie!

Your friend,

All her friends jumped with joy! They were so happy Pinkie was so happy they were now super happy! They are going to plan a party for Pinkie.

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