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3 years later

Pinkie pie flew. Fluttershy flew with her. "You know Fluttershy I can get use to flying! Well my wish will come true now!" Pinkie said.

"Yeah. Now." Fluttershy said. Pinkie pie's wings disappeared.

"Wha?! No! Fluttershy! Fluttershy?" Pinkie pie stode up. She quietly opened the door.

And then......


Everypony was there! Pinkie closed her eyes and there was that Rainbow Glow! "Thank you EVERYPONY!!!"

"Everypony! Listen up!" Twilight said.
Everypony looked at Twilight. "We didn't see her for 7 years or maybe 8 or 9! But this is for Pinkie pie! She was deflated when awesome pony of hers went away and move. She has faced many things!
Pinkie pie this is for you!"

Rainbowdash stepped into the stage and laughed. She sang:

Pinkie pie's hair turned normal! She bounced with joy! She ran into the stage and hugged Rainbowdash! "I miss you!! I miss you alot! Pleace never leave me again!!" Pinkie pie said.

"I will Pinkie! You are a pony in my eye! My one and only Pinkie pie. I'm sorry for leaving you. Pinkie?...." Rainbowdash said.

"Yes Dashie?!" Pinkie said.

"Will you be my specail somepony!?" Rainbowdash said. Pinkie was really surprised. She gasped.

YES!!!! I WILL!!! To my Pinkie Promise! Cross my heart, hope to fly, and stick a cupcake in my eye! Thank you!" Pinkie hugged Rainbowdash again. Rainbowdash kissed Pinkie pie.

"Now what are you all been waiting for.....LET'S PARTY!!!!" Rainbowdash said.

And so that Pinkie pie and Rainbowdash danced all the way. They lived really happily. They were the best of marefriends.
And they lived happily ever after....

The End

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