Invatation week

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Fluttershy put Pinkie into her throne. And everypony stared at Pinkie. Pinkie was confused. "What?"

"It's good that your here because Rainbowdash got a little something for you." Starlight said.

"DASHIE IS HERE?!" Pinkie said.

"No! Rainbowdash GAVE you something. Here." Starlight said. "Now read it out loud." Pinkie took a breath in and a breath out.

" 'Dear Pinkie,

It's been a while since I've not seen you. It's been a hard work in here. Even the Wonderbolts are very tired. Anyway. I've missed you alot. I think it only has been maybe just 1 year? I don't know. Anyway pleace let me know if your introuble and you need help. Because even though I'm gone I'll always be with you. Pinkie Promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye. Love you Pinks.

Your awesome friend,
Rainbowdash' "
Pinkie didn't know what to say with that note. Everyone had an evil eye on Pinkie pie. "Don't just sit there! Reply!" Twilight said.

"Okay." Pinkie pie said. Spike gave her a piece of paper and a quil. She wrote:

   Dear Dashie,

Thank you for the note. It is very sweet of you. I'm sad that you had to go to another village and I didn't even dance with you at the Gala. Pleace don't feel bad about it I love you too! Thanks Dashie. I'll always be here for you too. And hope there are not many problems there.

Your cheerful friend Pinkie.'

"Done!" Pinkie said Spike sended in the letter to Rainbowdash's mail box for Rainbowdash to answer it. Pinkie was expecting for an answer to Rainbowdash. "So what was this meeting for."

"Pinkie I checked the Element of Laughter and it's almost back light! But I think all you got to do is be happy then it will turn back into light." Twilight said.

"I got an idea everypony!" Rarity said.

"What is it Rarity?" Fluttershy said.

"Maybe a sleepover at Rainbowdash's house that she used to go in!" Rarity said.

"Thats a GREAT idea!!" Twilight said! "What do you think Pinkie?"

Pinkie BURST!!!! "YES, YES, YESSSS!!!!!"

"Great!" Twilight said. A note appeared again on Pinkie's throne. "Read it."

Pinkie opened the note and read.

"  'Dear Pinkie,

Thanks! There has been a few probloms here lately. Like me having nightmares and bad weather we have ro stop. Mostly the nightmares but they are already gone now. Thanks to happiness. I'm not really happy here without you. Well I hope I can visit there.

Anyway about the nightmares before....I was really scared about it. I had a nightmare about you and me but you didn't like me. And you will never see me ever again. FOREVER!!! Pleace don't let that happen!

Your awesome friend Rainbowdash.'

SHE HAS NIGHTMARES TOO!!! THIS IS SO UNBELIEVABLE!!!! It's like we are twins!" Pinkie said and read.

"Well whatever it is I'm sure it's something we can't solve because Rainbowdash is not here! But come on what are you waiting for lets go and prepare for the sleepover!" Twilight said.

In a few hours they were ready. Pinkie still couldn't stand but she ignored that. When she stand it hurt alot! Like BIG pain! Pinkie didn't answer to Rainbowdash's text but she thought that she will answer it at the sleepover. Pinkie prepared all her things. She tried really hard to stand and it took hours for her to prepare her stuff. It's like she was going camping. Fluttershy was already packed up and helped Pinkie.

"Need some help Pinkie?" Fluttershy said.

"No thanks! OUCH!!!! I'm used to this. The AWWW-ing isn't really going to help me walk! And besides I'm much better so I don't need help!" Pinkie said.

"Your gonna sleep there forever arn't you?" Fluttershy said.

"Yup. Just need to pack all my wonderful stuff so I can.....OUCH!!" Pinkie said then she fell down. Fluttershy helped her get up. "AWWY!!! I can.....REACH THAT!!! GOT IT!! OUCH!!!"

"Pinkie where is Mr. and Mrs. Cake?" Fluttershy said.

"They are in Canterlot. But they'll come back next week." Pinkie said. "It has been a really TIGHT, TIGHT year for me but I know that I have to keep wings to my side!"

Fluttershy was really confused about what Pinkie is saying. All she wants is for Pinkie not to be sick all the time and not deflated anymore. They started their sleepover and they slept untill tommorow.


Pinkie pie waked up and she stand and it felt fine. She didn't have any nightmares either but it was still night. She rubbed her eyes and she checked the time. "3:00 am!" Pinkie gulped. She heard that something bad was happening on 3:00 am because everypony kept saying that. She went to sleep quickly. She was so scared. "D-Dashie......p-pleace help me...." Pinkie whispered.

"Hey Pinkie....." A voice from her ear said. It sounded familiar. Pinkie woked up.

"D-Dashie?!" Pinkie said. Nopony but her friends were sleeping and she heard whispery noises. "Dashie......pleace!" A note appeared in her hand. 'Dashie's note!'

She read to herself:

   Dear Pinkie,

Pleace tell me your there. I'm so worried about you. Pleace.


'What does she mean?' Pinkie said to herself. She stand up and got a piece of paper and a quil.

She wrote:

    Dear Dashie,

Thank you for writing. I needed it. It's 3:00 am and I'm scared. I hear lots of noises. Help me too.

Pinkie pie

She didn't know how to send it without Spike she didn't want to wake Spike up and she didn't even have a unicorn horn. She took a breath in and out. And closted her eyes and wished that magic came out of her hooves. She opened her eyes and the note was gone. "W-Where is it?!" Pinkie said. There was a star in the sky and Pinkie looked at it. "I wish that everything will be fine......"

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