Nightmare months

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1 week later

Fluttershy helped Pinkie. She took care of her and fed her alot. Pinkie was really happy. Kind of happy. Fluttershy tried to make her happy. But Pinkie was smiling. Wierdly......

Pinkie didn't forget about Rainbowdash yet. She didn't remember the battle of the beast. But she just remembered about Rainbowdash. Her Dashie. Fluttershy was worried though. She was worried that Pinkie would have a coma or amnesia! She worried that Pinkie would get more sick because of that. Sometimes Starlight would help Fluttershy take care of Pinkie. Or Applejack. Sometimes Rarity. Twilight is just waiting for an answer to Princess Celestia.

Okay! Anyways Pinkie pie has been having nightmares for weeks. And she has not been telling Fluttershy about it. Pinkie was WORRIED that Fluttershy would be worried about her. Nightmares are.........hard! Hard to control for a week! Her nightmare has just been about everything worst in her whole life will come to life! And Rainbowdash would never come back and she did had a dream when Rainbowdash did come back but she hated Pinkie. Pinkie waked up scared because of that. Fluttershy didn't know. 'Whats wrong with me!?' Pinkie thought to herself.

"Pinkie.......are you okay?....." Fluttershy said.

"Of course I'm okay! Why wouldn't I be okay! I'm okay as a......a......a pony! As me!" Pinkie said. She is still thinking about her Dashie. Fluttershy smiled and took care of Gummy and Angel. They were playing. Pinkie pie looked and smiled. 'There are going to be more probloms in the world Pinkie. Don't just worry about Rainbowdash........worry about yourself.'

1 year later

Pinkie finally felt better in 1 year and now she can do everything! And she faced many things in her body. Rainbowdash still didn't visited Ponyville. Pinkie pie is still deflated though and she had lots and lots of nightmares. The same nightmares! The horrible nightmares! But.......sometimes new nightmares. Fluttershy still didn't knew and she still took care of Pinkie. Twilight came to Sugarcube Corner.

"Hi Pinkie. Hi Fluttershy. How are you feeling Pinkie?" Twilight said.

"I feel better. A lot better than before!" Pinkie pie said using her Pinkie words.

"Are you still thinking about Rainbowdash?" Twilight said.

Pinkie nodded and smiled. "But I'm trying to not feel bad and I'm trying to not think about her. But still I'm feeling much better."

"Thats great to hear Pinkie. And ponies about the Elements of Harmany......" Twilight said. Fluttershy and Pinkie worries. "The Element of laughter is.......dark!"

"What?! Really!? Oh no!" Fluttershy said. Pinkie hates it when Fluttershy gets worried it almost feels like losing another friend.

"W-Why is it dark?....." Pinkie said.

"It maybe seems like something is happening to you but we don't know what. Is there anything bothering you Pinkie?" Twilight said.

"...............I just miss Rainbowdash so much......
Thats just it." Pinkie said.

"Are you sure Pinkie?" Fluttershy said.

"I-I am sure. But to be honest......I'm really scared of what is going on with Rainbowdash or how she will come back here or not come back here or anything else that is bothering me." Pinkie said.

"What do you mean Pinkie!?" Twilight said.

"I've been having dreams about Rainbowdash." Pinkie pie said.

"Do you mean LOVE, LOVE dreams or LOVE nightmare dreams?" Fluttershy said smiling. Pinkie blushed.

"T-They arn't LOVE Fluttershy! I-I don't even have a crush on Rainbowdash. But to tell you the truth. I don't have love nightmares but I do have nightmares every......month." Pinkie said.

"What kind of nightmares?...." Twilight said.

"I don't know......they are just nightmares! Well not NORMAL nightmares. But.......Fluttershy is right about one thing." Pinkie said.

"What is it?" Fluttershy said.

I......I DO love Rainbowdash I just don't know if she loves me......
the dance in the Grand Galloping Galla was my dream! Dancing in the dark with makes my heart beam with joy! But when she left my heart breaked so bad I can't even say or do anything and just think about Dashie. All I think about was Dashie. I don't even cared if I die! I just want Rainbowdash back. I do like Rainbowdash but I don't know what will happen she didn't like me anymore or.....she will never come back again! And I do love Rainbowdash. But thats not the only problom!" Pinkie said. "Everyday I get the DOZEY!! About something is about to happen! Like the worst things in my life! I don't even know what!"

"Thats alot to say I know. But......why don't we just talk about tommorow. We can spread resources!" Twilight said. Fluttershy and Pinkie nodded. 'I hope things will be sorted out tommorow.' Pinkie thought.


Pinkie pie woken up and she slept well and no nightmares. She screemed but she is still deflated. She got up and yawned. "Fluttershy I feel MUCH, MUCH more better than before!! I didn't have nightmares and I'm HAPPY!!!" Pinkie pie said. Fluttershy smiled.

"Thats great news Pinkie!" Fluttershy said. "Come on! We got to head out to Twilight's Castle to discuss some stuff that needs to be fixed."
Pinkie giggled.

"It does have been a while since we have not moved to Twilight's Castle. Okay! Just......OUCH!!!" Pinkie said and she fell down.

"Pinkie!? Whats wrong?!" Fluttershy said.

"I-I can't stand up! It's hard!! OUCH!!!" Pinkie said.

"Stand up!? Hard!? If Rainbowdash was here she would know how to fix this! Hold on! I'll try to carry you!" Fluttershy said. Pinkie pie tried to go on Fluttershy back and she did. She wasn't having a hard time. Fluttershy couldn't carry Pinkie because Pinkie was too heavy! "O-Okay!! Ah! Um! I think I got the hang of this!" Pinkie pie smiled and frowned. She remembered being on Rainbowdash's back. And she remembered her standing on Rainbowdash's back and Rainbowdash couldn't take it. Rainbowdash flew crazy. And Pinkie laughed. Pinkie just rode on Fluttershy's back.

They flew to Twilight's Castle and all the mane 3 was there. They went to the map side and.......Pinkie saw Rainbowdash's thrown and remembered the time when they pranked Twilight by the WOOPY CUSION!!!!! 'Time to discuss.....' Pinkie said to her mined.

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