Introduction (Skip this if you want go to the VERRRYYY end)

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Pinkie and her friends were super excited for the Grand Galloping Galla. And Rainbowdash was the most excited one because she wanted to dance with Pinkie pie and Pinkie pie also wanted to dance with Rainbow dash.

Rainbow dash talked to her parents.

"Hey Mom, Hi Dad." Rainbow dash said. Her mom and Dad look worried. "What's wrong?...."

"Rainbowdash.........we know you want to finally have your somepony in the Grand Galloping Galla but there has been tight news." Her dad said.

" it?!" Rainbow dash said.

"Honey......I'm sorry we have to say this but........
we are moving." Her mom said. Rainbow dash gasped. Her heart pounded. 'How will I dance with Pinkie now!?' Rainbow dash thought.

"And we can't go to the Galla!" Her mom said.

That made Rainbowdash cry and to tell her friends about it.

The next day she carried all her stuff and went to Sugarcube Corner. "Hey, Dashie!" Pinkie said. She saw Rainbowdash sad and frowned. "Dashie.......what's wrong?...."

"I-I-I'm moving!" Rainbow dash said. And all her friends said.


"Darling! Why?! I just made your dress! It was the most beautiful dress ever can't wear it?!" Rarity said and she fainted.

"I was just gonna let you borrow the new Daring Do book! You can' it?...." Twilight said.

"How will you fly with me!?" Fluttershy said.

"And my cider! You love my apple cider!" Applejack said.

"And.......what about my dance with you! can't go! Please! Don't go! I-I'm gonna miss you?!" Pinkie said hugging Rainbow dash. Rainbow dash cried and hugged back. She never told Pinkie pie her feeling and she was in the Grand Galloping Galla but now she couldn't.

"I-I'm gonna miss all of you! I-I just don't know how you're going to forgive me!" Rainbow dash said.

"Dashie......don't......" Pinkie said.

"I-I-I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry. Bye everypony." Rainbow dash said.

Pinkie cried a lot and they had a group hug. Rarity gave her the dress and Twilight gave Rainbowdash the new Daring Do book Fluttershy gave a picture of her and Rainbowdash flying together and Applejack gave Rainbowdash a fresh Apple Cider! Pinkie pie didn't have anything. Rainbow dash kissed Pinkie's cheek and head off.

Pinkie pie deflated.

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