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My body had never ached this intensely before. My legs felt limp and trembled while attempting to perfect Madame Therese's hair. I could not bare standing, so I sat which only hurt my ailments worse.

The Lord went quickly but steadily unto me, perhaps that is why it hurts so terribly. He pleasured himself various times, and I eventually grew to enjoy it too. However, all highs contain lows and this low was unbearable. My legs felt as though they had been stabbed by a wretched knife, when in fact all that had been assaulted was my purity.

"You are excused. I could do a better braid and I do not even know how to spell braid." Madame Therese said, looking at me fiercely through the mirror.

"I am sorry Madame, I am feeling very ill."

"Very well then. Go on, aid yourself back to health." She said, suddenly expressing compassion. I could see the contrition she felt in her brown eyes, and in my eyes I attempted to show acceptance. It is not her fault her temper is extremely short.

"Thank you madame ." I smiled, limping out of her main bedroom. All her dear friends were there. Chatting and eating away. I could not begin to explain my abhorrence for them.

How lowly must you think of yourself if you buy friends? And conversely, how high must you think of yourself to manipulate a young girl into believing you care for her when all you desire is the golden coins attached to her name?

I do not understand how shallow one must be to choose false companionship over loneliness.

"Madame Aurelie. To what do I owe this euphoric pleasure?"

"I am in pain, you must heal it." I plead, looking into his eyes, hoping there was a glint of redemption hidden in them. I found none, so I continued, "I cannot walk nor sit. I have never been so sore."

"Aurelie, all women throb following their first time."

"It was not first, it was my twelfth by the time you were completed." I mumbled, looking at the floor shyly.

"And you felt delighted. The pain will pass, all pains evaporate eventually. I wish for you to rest, I will meet you tomorrow night."

"You will see if I'm well?"

"I will accomplish much more than that. After all, I need an heir." He declared, confirming my nightmares. I did not want to become an unwed mother, it is an ungodly atrocity. A pain with no cure.

"Oh my God." I cry, hand over my mouth. My eyes spilled with tears and I fell onto the couch with my other hand grasping my face.

"It was supposed to be humorous, you fun killer. I would never harm a child with the name of a bastard, not after everything I had to deal with." He smiles, displaying his bright teeth. I tried not to stare at his lips but it became like a pest and light- irresistible. Consequently, I stared at the floor to avoid his handsome face.

"I am confused."

"I am a bastard, and I have worked twice as hard for half the advantage my brother obtained. But like all pains, he passed."

"I beg your pardon?" I practically choked on air, trying desperately to decipher what he meant. All my life I was taught to look at the best things in life, the best part of every horrible situations and ignore the bad. I was told he was a murderer back in my village, but deep down I never truly believed it. I presumed the best in him.

"You already know too much, mistress. Now, rest and eat well. You will need all your energy for tomorrow."

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