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We were wed by the sea. It was perfect. Maman and Zayn were there- and those were the only people I truly needed-along with the rest of the inhabitants of the Castile. Now we were celebrating in the ballroom, dancing and laughing. My head was rested on his chest, and I inhaled his scent. The storm in my brain was instantly calmed. He felt like home.

"Was everything to your liking?"

"Everything was to my loving, it was perfect, Harry. Thank you so much." I said honestly, listening to the slow music. Everyone was dancing, even maman. Her wheeled chair was being pushed gently by one of her servants. Zayn was the only one not dancing, instead he was drinking and watching. My eyes met his for a split second before they flickered to the ground.

Guilt rose to my throat as I remembered how sad he looked. I did not think he cared enough to be affected by me. Madame Therese was watching Zayn watch me.

They looked miserable meanwhile I was dancing with my husband.

"What is wrong, my love?"

"I.. can we get out of here? I can barely breathe." I said, and he nodded eagerly. We walked hand in hand out of the ballroom, people whistling and clapping behind us. They presumed our marriage would be blessed with a child after tonight. Everyone did, Harry and I included. Harry was a handsome man, and a good one too. I would be honored to begin his family.

He led me into our new chambers, on the seventh floor on the east wing. It was not too far from maman's, nor was it far from Zayn's. Right in between. It was perfect-everything was because Zayn ensures it would be.

He gently kissed me, hand on my face to pull me close. My mouth mirrored his, and I felt reassured by his smile. He pushed me gently onto the bed, his mouth never disconnecting from mine. I left out a small whine as he moved his clothed erection against my area. He slowly removed my clothes, eyes locked on mine for reassurance. I nodded once he reached my innermost layer of clothing.

He took untied them and threw them on the floor and the rest is restricted, completely confidential between him and I. All I can say is that it was wonderful, and he was kind. Not like the Lord at all.

The lord was territorial. He marked my body roughly yet kissed my lips gently. His pleasure was the only thing on his mind. It was by mere coincidence that I grew to enjoy it too.

Harry was dedicated to us, but mostly to me. Every so often he would ask if I was alright. He was patient and never lost his temper with me.

I am sorrowful for not being able to provide clearer details, diary.

Yes, all of this book is written in Aurelie's perspective in a diary.

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