(18) Fall For Me - Peter Parker

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Typed by lovelykat001 on Tumblr <3

Warnings: car accident  

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Science class was literally the worst. Not because you weren't good or anything. In fact, it was quite the contrary. You were very quickly climbing the Academic latter in your school. The reason that science class was the worst is because you have the biggest crush in the history of crushes on Peter Parker who sat right in front of you. Because of his ill-placement, you were barely able to pay attention in class and often had to go home and teach yourself the material.

"Alright, you guys know we have a lab scheduled this Thursday so I'm going to assign you partners." The teacher rose from his desk and grabbed his clipboard to read off the names. He started calling off the names and you started worrying.

You hated having assigned partners. It was just always weird no matter what the circumstance. You waited to hear your name called.

"Alex and Jessica... Peter and Y/N."

Your entire body froze. Did he just say what you think he said? This couldn't be happening. Peter turned around in his seat and gave you a cute, shy smile and you couldn't help but blush. This needs to end.

After class Peter waited outside the door so he could talk to you about the lab but you were taking a while to leave so he poked his head in to see what you were doing. He could clearly see you saying something to the teacher so he listened in.

"Why can't you just switch me with someone else? I can't be partnered with him!" You pleaded to the teacher.

The teacher huffed. "I'm sorry, Y/n. But I clearly constructed the partners this time so that the people who do the work in this class don't get partnered with the slackers so that everyone has to pull their own weight and no one gets a free pass."

"But then can't you just partner me with one of the other people that do their work so I don't screw up the balance or whatever?" You tried to reason.

"And you don't think that will look weird? That I randomly decided to switch out two people? I know you think I'm ancient but I still remember how high school works and that will start rumors."

You sighed and tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. You knew he was right so you just gave a weak smile and said thank you before picking up your books to leave.

Peter couldn't believe what he heard. You didn't want to be his partner? What did he do? Do you hate him? So many questions were in Peter's head but he knew he couldn't ask you right now so he left without talking to you to go to his next class. It ate away at him all day though. And that night he could barely sleep. He decided he would talk to you tomorrow.

The next day was hard to endure. You kept spotting Peter everywhere and you kept trying to dodge him. Of course you liked him but you also knew that you would make a fool of yourself if you tried to talk to him. It's happened before. Your face just gets really hot, you feel like your sweating and you're a shaking stuttering mess. You'd rather admire from afar than to endure that. But you knew science class was coming up and there was no ignoring him then.

When the bell rang for fourth period you made your way to science class. You sat down in your usual spot and hoped no one would bother you.

"Alright, class. Everyone find your partners from yesterday and find a place to sit with them. Today we'll be making a lesson plan for the lab Thursday."

You groaned internally and Peter spun around in his seat before hopping out and taking the empty seat right next to you.

"Hey, Y/n. How's it going?" Peter tried to be careful with his words because he didn't want you to dislike him anymore than you already did. But he also wanted to get to the bottom of it.

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