(65) Hands Touching Hands - Peter Parker

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Credit: peter-prkers on tumblr :))

Summary: where peter is really touchy and you are really confused

Warnings: none

. . .

You'd realized early on in you and Peter's friendship that he had absolutely no sense of personal space. The conclusion had come to you not in one moment, but a series of them.

Peter grabbing your hand while walking. Peter wrapping you in a hug at the most unplanned moments. Peter resting his hand on your leg when sitting next to each other.

Really, it wouldn't come as a surprise that you'd start to develop certain feelings or ideas after two years of this. You had a love/hate relationship with Peter's lack of personal space if you were being honest with yourself. On the one hand, you were in love with your best friend and having him touch you so intimately wasn't the worst thing that could happen. On the other hand, you were in love with your best friend and having him touch you so intimately but so platonically was the most heart-wrenching thing you could endure.

Although his most recent space-defying habit really made your teeth grind.

You don't know when Peter had started his put-my-face-two-inches-from-your-face fase, but you knew it was extremely distracting. Really, his face was always just right there. You could turn your head and you'd be nose-to-nose. Being nose-to-nose with Peter in itself wouldn't be all that bad, if of course he felt the same way about you which he didn't.

It will pass, you told yourself. Just have patience.

But the more he did it the harder it was to tell yourself otherwise.


'Hm?' You hum, not looking up from textbook. You can feel the heat radiating off of Peter's skin, making it exceedingly difficult to focus on your algebra assignment.

'Do you think it would be acceptable to throw myself out of a window after these exams are over?' He groans, lowering his head to rest it on your shoulder. You feel yourself relax slightly.

'Ten bucks Spider-Man would catch you before you hit the ground.'

Peter huffs out a laugh, his breath warming your neck. You suppress a shiver. 'You're on.'

You shake him off your shoulder, shoving his head down towards his own book, 'But you can only jump once you've passed.'

He turns to look at you, laying his cheek down against the pages. 'Why would I jump if I passed?' a smile tickles the corner of his lips and you roll your eyes.

'Exactly my point.' You poke his nose with the eraser of your pencil and he scrunches it. Your heartbeat picks up in pace and you think maybe you should be the one jumping out of a window.

He's silent for a few moments before he groans again. 'Can we take a break yet?'

'Pete, we took a break like thirty minutes ago.'

'I read somewhere that you should take a break every fifteen.' he says matter-of-factly. You raise your eyebrows at him and he huffs in annoyance. 'I don't want to study anymore.'

'I've noticed.' You keep your eyes glued to your book, but from the corner of your eye you see Peter snake his hand towards yours. He tangles your free hand with his, opting to play with your fingers rather than studying. 'Peter.'


You sigh, closing your book and turning towards him, finally meeting his eyes. 'How about we stop for today?'

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