(59) Say Yes - Peter Parker

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Credit: spiderboytotherescue on tumblr <3

Peter Parker x Reader

Warnings: none really other than language, fluff, fluff, and more fluff.

The sunlight peering in through the curtains wasn't what was keeping Peter from going back to sleep.

He groaned when he turned over and saw that it was only seven in the morning. The one morning that he actually had to sleep in and he couldn't do it because his mind wouldn't stop going 100 mph.

He turned on his stomach and shifted his head so he could look at you, making sure that he didn't wake you up in the process of all of his tossing and turning.

You were still asleep, your face halfway smooshed in the pillow, soft snores coming out of your mouth and your hair covering half of your face.

But in this moment, Peter thought this was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

He really couldn't believe that you were his and that he was yours.

Your love story wasn't really anything special, despite who his alter ego was.

The two of you had met your senior year of high school in a journalism class both of you had decided to take for an elective.

The first time Peter saw you he stopped in his tracks. You were the prettiest girl he had ever seen and when you had first talked to him, he swore that his heart stopped for a moment.

You were actually the one who asked him out and every time Peter thought about the memory it made him chuckle and his cheeks blush. You had turned around in your desk one day and looked at him for a moment, giving him a toothy grin before say, "Hey Parker, would you like to go on a date with me?"

He didn't know it then, but that one sentence was going to change his life for the better.

It took only a few weeks before Peter spilled his guts about Spider-Man. He wanted to be honest with you, because you deserved the best and you deserved his honesty.

You weren't angry when he told you and you didn't demand to know why he hadn't told you right away. Instead, you sat patiently with him while he rambled through the whole story, stopping to squeeze his arm through the rough parts to help him get through it. When he had finished he looked up at you and waited for you to say something, anything that would signal that you were still in this relationship with him, that you were still going to be there.

He remembers how you were silent for a moment before your face broke out into a sweet smile and you said, "Peter Benjamin Parker, I am so proud to be able to call you my boyfriend", giving him a sweet kiss on the lips before going back to eating your takeout.

The transition to college wasn't full of drama for the two of you either. You had gotten a scholarship to the school of your dreams in New York and even though it wasn't where Peter was going, he was so proud of you. He would have never stopped you from pursuing your dreams, just like you had never stopped him before.

He loved getting skype calls from you and hearing how excited you were about what you were learning and how passionate you were about the career you were going to be pursuing. He could honestly listen to you talk for hours about your classes.

Every time you would ask him about his classes he would simply respond, "Tell me more about your week pretty girl", because all he wanted was to hear your sweet, soothing voice.

Now here the two of you were, recently graduated from college and in your brand-new apartment.

Peter remembers the day that you called him and told him all about it. He remembers hearing the joy in your voice about how cute it was and how it was going to be the perfect first home for the two of you.

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