(23) Platonic 2 - Tom Holland

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Credit: so-many-freaking-ships on Tumblr <3

Warning(s): None 

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"What? What is it?" Zendaya said impatiently.

You looked up from the screen to the girl in front of you, shell-shocked.

"I-I- you were right."

"About what?" She asked.

"Him. He does like me," you responded.

A smile grew on your face as you stared at his face in the video. He looked soft and adorable with his cheeky smile. His cheeks were flustered and you could only imagine how warm they felt.

"I knew it!" Z exclaimed. "I'm so happy for you!"

"What the hell do I do now?" You asked, suddenly growing worried.

"You go over to that junket and get your prince charming," Zendaya said, her eyes twinkling with excitement.

"Are you sure?" You asked. "We were supposed to hang out for at least a few more hours-"

"[Y/N]. Go," she said, smiling.

"Thank you," you said, jumping up from your chair. You ran over to her and gave her a hug before rushing out the door and hailing the first cab you saw.

As your cab pulled up to the hotel the junket was at, your heart started to race. You handed the driver cash and your hands shook anxiously as you did so.

"T-Thank you," you said, getting out of the cab.

As he drove away, you stood there on the corner, contemplating what to do.

Should I just walk in?

Do I wait until it's over?

Ah, screw it.

Throwing on a determined expression, you walked through the front door of the hotel. You rushed up to the front desk, grabbing the attention of the lady sitting behind it. She looked like she was in her early fifties. She had red hair, wore a pair of studious black glasses, and was typing on an old computer.

"How may I help you?" She asked with a snobby voice, not looking up from the computer.

"Um, I'm here for the press junket," you responded.

"Sorry, ma'am, you need an entrance pass to attend the junket," she said.

"No, you see, I'm Mr. Hollands assistant. I wasn't supposed to come today, but there's been a change of plans, and I really need to get in there," you said, growing irritated.

"I can't let you in without a pass."

"Listen, lady-"


You were interrupted by a soft voice. You knew who it was before you even turned around. Slowly, you turned around and faced Tom, who was standing only two feet away.

You waved awkwardly.

"Don't worry, Glinda, she's with me," Tom said to the lady behind the desk. He didn't wait for her response as he walked over to you, took your hand in his, and led you down a hallway. He stopped in front of a door and cracked it open slightly to check if anyone was inside. When he saw it was empty, he opened it fully and led you inside, still holding your hand. He closed the door with his free hand and turned to you.



You both started at the same time and ended up laughing.

"You go first," he said, playing with your fingers.

"Is it true?" You asked hopefully. "What you said in the video."

He didn't answer right away, which made you nervous. But instead of talking, he lifted your hand to his lips and kissed it softly.

"Every single word."

You felt your heart ache at his words.

"Good," you said. "Cause I really like you. I-I think I love you."

You felt your cheeks become hot and hid your face from embarrassment.

"No, darling. Let me see your pretty face," Tom said, lifting your chin up so he could look you in the eyes.

"I think I love you, too," he said, leaning in.

You leaned in with him and your lips met in a passionate embrace. Your hands traveled up to his hair and got lost in his curls, while he rubbed circles along your waist. You both smiled into this kiss, not caring about anything else but you two. Because right then, in that moment, everything was perfect.

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