(22) Platonic 1 - Tom Holland

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Warning(s): Slight cursing

Credit: so-many-freaking-ships on ofc... TUmbLr

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Tom Holland and [Y/N] [Y/L/N] Spotted Out In New York City

Tom Holland Gushes About Assistant and Best Friend [Y/N] [Y/L/N] In Interview

Is the Spiderman Actor Taken? Fans Sepculate He's In A Relationship

Are Tom Holland and His Assistant Dating?

"Can you believe all of these articles?" Tom asked you, scrolling through them on his phone. "They think we're dating."

He chuckled as he turned his phone off and put it down next to him on the couch. The funny thing was, if someone walked in right now, they would also think you were a couple. You were snuggled into his side on the couch, with your head resting on his shoulder, and his arm was wrapped securely around your waist. You laughed along with him.

"Jesus, can't two people hang out without everyone assuming they're dating?" You said, rolling your eyes. "But anyway, you have that huge Infinity War press junket tomorrow, you need to get some sleep."

He unwrapped his arm from you and stood up from the couch.

"I know," he responded." Are you coming to bed too or are you gonna stay out here for a little longer?"

"I'll go with you. I'm tired," you said, extending out your arms, signaling for him to help you up from the couch.

"Lazy ass," he mumbled, pulling you up and chuckling. When he touched your hands, you swore you could feel a tingle or a spark run up your arm. This wasn't uncommon, but you did what you always did, bury it deep, deep down. He didn't let go of your hand as he led you to his bedroom.

He fell asleep wrapped up in your arms under the covers, but you just stared at the ceiling wide awake, trapped in your thoughts. You know friends don't usually do the things that you and Tom do. Friends don't hold hands or cuddle. But, god, you were glad you and Tom did. Those small things were the closest you knew you would get to him loving you. It was false hope, you knew that. And it would only get you hurt in the long run, but you were addicted. You loved him. God, you loved him.

You looked at the boy lying next to you, his brown curls falling down his face, soft snores escaping his lips.

"You're gonna be the death of me, and you don't even know it."

As the morning broke, you could feel Tom start to stir next to you.

"Morning, sleepyhead," you said to him, smiling.

"Morning, [Y/N]," he groaned into his pillow.

"You have to leave in forty-five minutes for the press junket. You should start getting ready," you told him, pushing the covers off of you and getting out of the bed. You were about to walk over to the bathroom when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you back into the bed.

"Oof," you let out as you plopped back onto the mattress.

"I don't want to go," Tom whined, clinging to you. "I wanna sleep."

"I know, Tommy. But you have to."

"It would at least be better if you could come with me," he said.

"Zendaya's in town only for today before she goes off to shoot her new HBO show. I promised her we'd hang out before she leaves," you explained.

"But you're my assistant!" He moaned.

You chuckled, releasing yourself from his arms, and walking back over to the bathroom.

Forty-five minutes later, you and Tom were both dressed and ready. As you stepped out of the bathroom, you couldn't help but stop and stare at him. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt with blue skinny jeans, a smooth leather jacket, and sunglasses. The sight almost made you drool.

"You're staring," he said, chuckling.

"Shut up," you responded.

Suddenly, a notification popped up on your phone showing that Tom's ride was there.

"The Uber's waiting for you outside," you said to Tom. "I'll walk with you."

Once you both were outside, he pulled you in for a hug, kissing you on the cheek. The action made your knees weak.

"See you later, love," he said before hopping into the car. You watched as it drove down the street, eventually disappearing from view.

You turned around and walked down the street towards the coffee shop you and Zendaya had planned to meet at. Even before you walked through the door, you could see her at a table in the corner.

"[Y/N]!" She exclaimed, jumping up when you walked in.

You walked over to her, immediately pulling her into a tight hug.

"I missed you! It's been so long," you said, pulling away.

"I know, I know. We have a lot of catching up to do," she responded, leading you over to the table.

You both spent the next two hours filling the other in on what's happened recently in your lives. But the conversation always came back to a certain someone, or more specifically, your feelings for him.

"I really like him, Z," you confessed.

"Honey, I know. You've been head over heels since you first saw him."

"But he definitely doesn't like me, so..."

"What are you talking about? He totally likes you," she said.

You were about to say something when your phone buzzed so hard it nearly fell off the table.

"Sorry, one second," you told Zendaya.

You opened your phone to find a text from Jacob.

Jacob: Go get him!!

You were puzzled until you saw that he sent you an article. And when you saw the title your entire world exploded.

"Holy shit."

Tom Holland Admits Feelings For [Y/N] [Y/L/N] In Infinity War Press Interview.

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