Chapter 1: Trapped

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There was a rhythmic heartbeat sound in the distance, and Agent Olympia was determined to find out what it was.

"Come on, Otis!" Her partner wasn't so keen on discovering the noise, as he followed a few feet behind.

Olympia's legs carried her faster though, as the sound was almost as loud as her own heartbeat. Just then she stopped in front of a sewer, gazing down into the drain.

"I think it's down there!" Her voice echoed off of the dingy walls, and her partner sighed in frustration.

"It's just had to be down there, didn't it?" His eyebrows were scrunched together, and he did not appear happy at all.

"Come on, I bet Oona has something we can use back at the lab," Olympia spoke, Otis sighing as he reluctantly trailed behind her.

Soon they were back at the exact same location, except Oona had joined the duo.

"Okay, so the Screwdriver-Inator should get this off in a jiffy," she positively boasted, whipping out the device.

"Isn't that just a regular, electric screwdriver," Otis hesitantly wondered.

"Just let me have this one!" Oona could get scary when she got defensive about what she considered a gadget.

Otis jerked his head back slightly from how she got closer to him for a moment, her eyes widened.

Oona was able to get the gray covering with bars off, and now they had to figure out how to get the thing that cast a dark shadow in there.

"Ew, so gross." That was the first thing Otis said after he had to climb down in there.

"But we got it," Olympia positively grinned, taking the grimy box from him. It looked pretty old.

"Let's go and get it cleaned up back at headquarters," Oona suggested.

Otis nodded in agreement, also planning on taking a quick shower in the Odd Squad locker room.

Once he walked out, in his fresh, Odd Squad suit and styled hair, he found Olympia and Oona in the lab.

"Did you figure it out," he asked, situating his arms behind his back.

"It looks like some sort of game...," Oona trailed off.

"I love games!" Olympia's enthusiastic voice was so distinct.

"How do you play," Otis questioned. Games were actually the one thing he didn't mind.

"I'm not sure. I don't think it comes with instructions," Oona commented, taking out the board and all of the pieces.

Otis took the red, wood carved elephant, Olympia the white one, and Oona settled for the forest green for their game pieces.

"Okay, so... how do we start," Oona asked as they all stood around her lab counter.

"I think we roll the dice," Otis reckoned, gesturing to the two cubes.

Oona did just that, and they all leaned forward and squinted at the strange words appearing in the black circle in the middle, similar to a fortune telling, Magic 8 Ball. 

"We help the environment with making sweet food

But if you don't watch out we'll suddenly change moods

Beware of our stingers, they may be for defense, but they can do a lot of damage..."

After Oona read that she squinted her eyes in confusion, not understanding it at all.

Just then she heard a faint buzzing noise.

"Otis, is that your badge phone again," she wondered, almost laughing since she believed that was it.

"No, I don't have it on vibrate right now," Otis admitted.

Just then all three pairs of eyes widened in absolute fear, as the swarm of huge, black and yellow insects loomed nearer.

"Great, this time we actually are getting attacked by bees," Oona said fairly calm for the situation.

Otis and Olympia instantly called out, "Shields up!" They could tell though that these bees were no ordinary ones. They were gigantic, their stingers resembling doctor's needles.

Oona tried to rip the game pieces from the board, but they wouldn't budge.

They were trapped.

A/N: Hey guys, so this idea was requested by user95190868 .  I'm basing it off of the original "Jumanji" movie with Robin Williams, but I haven't seen it in a really long time, so everything might not be accurate. Plus, it will be a little different, since it is an Odd Squad fanfic. Just warning you, this might be a little darker than my other fanfics, but not too bad. Jumanji's just not the kind of game that can't be scary. (X Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this first chapter. Please remember to comment, vote, and follow if you did. Thanks! <3

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