I Don't Wanna Ruin You

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Chapter 7-


"Stop fucking moving or it's going to hurt more you moron!"

"But that shit stings !"

"If you move one more time I swear I'll hurt you where the sun don't shine !"

"I fucking dare you !"

"Fine I -"

"Can you two stop fucking screaming !" Kevin yelled at Steve and I. We both exchanged looks and broke out into a fit of laughter. This is how it usually is between us. We always argue with each other. But that's what makes us , well us. I can't imagine leaving Steve behind to start a new life while he's still here miserable.

"Hey .. Hey Mia ." I herd Steve whisper. I tried to keep up a straight face so he would assume I was mad at him. "Miaaaaaaa. Oh miaaaaaa." Steve was now whining to get my attention. "I'll buy you um um um .. Oh shit what were they called ?" He was now teasing . I already knew what he was about to say. He always tried to bribe me. "Oh yeahhh , Sour Patch kids !" I internally got hyper at just the thought of the sour kids melting away into a sweet taste.

I looked slightly at Steve and saw him crack a smile , which I could help but to crack one back. And that is what set him off. He ran up to me and threw me over his shoulder. You could hear the echoes of my laughter and his screaming. He kept on spinning in circles making me dizzy until he put me on the couch and straddled me. "Don't you fucking dare !" I squirmed under him trying to break free as he started to tickle my stomach.

"Tell me you love me!"

"N-" laughs "never !"

"Mia tell me !"

"Okay !" On the edge of crying right now. " I love you. I-I can't breath !"

He finally decided to get off of me and gave me a cheeky smile. I glared at him and from the corner of my eye I saw Kevin laughing slightly at our foolishness. I herd a door slam which I instantly knew that was Kyle. There were only us four at the apartment. When we went to pick up Steve , Kyle didn't say much , he wouldn't even talk to Kevin.

"Mia don't you belong in the kitchen?" Steve asked with an amused look on his face. "I don't know Steve do I ? Last time I checked women are suppose to be in the kitchen. So why aren't you in there ?" He glared at me and I glared back.

"You two are like children." Kevin said with a smile on his face. Steve and I looked at Kevin and stuck our tongues out at him.

"So what do you guys do for fun around here ?" Steve said as he looked at his nails acting like they were the most interesting thing in the world. "Nothing , there's seriously nothing to do around here. Save me babe before I die of boredom." I fell onto his lap with a dramatic hand over my forehead. He shoved me off of his lap and onto the floor. "Gross you're a girl and girls are ew!" Steve screeched making Kevin roll his eyes as he sat at the dinning table.

"Give me a kiss Steve , just a little one , I think I'm going through puberty !" I started to chase Steve around the room as he yelled "Get your girlish ways away from me before I burn myself." Our laughter erupted through the apartment.

I loved it when it was like this. Steve and I usually just fooled around a lot, we would never talk about personal stuff right after it happened. It would usually be one of us trying to make the other happy. We have our moments that we just want to put a pitchfork through each other's throats but you know we can't even stay mad at one another for more then a day.

"Wanna go watch a movie kiddies ?" Kevin said looking down at us with a bored face. We stopped wrestling for a second and looked at one another before yelling a yes. We instantly got up and started to put our shoes on. "I'll get Kyle !" I said as I was half way putting on my shoes hopping towards Kyle's room.

I popped my head through the door to see a sleeping Kyle. I tiptoed over to the bed and straddled his back. Putting my lips next to his ear I whispered slightly "kye-kye, wake up please." Just the thought of messing with him I started to lay butterfly kisses down his neck. He groaned slightly and rolled over so that I was basically thrown on the other side of the bed. "You're no good for me Mimi."

He got off of me and left the room and I just sat there confused of what he meant. And suddenly I was mad at him. You can't say that to someone you admitted being in love with. Ugh. I trust to easily. I knew It was to good to be true.

I walked out of the room with an expressionless face. I didn't say anything the whole way to the theater I didn't even care what movie they got I just hated the fact that someone could try to get so close then take two steps back. I just .. I don't know anymore. If I'm no good for Kyle then I'll never be good enough for him.

I'm going to stay away from him if it's the last thing that kills me. I felt a warm hand touch my thigh and I looked to my right and saw Steve giving me the are you okay face so I just ignored it. I don't want to talk about it. I never want to talk about anything.

After the movie we decided to go get some stuff from my house so I could sleepover at the apartment again.

When we got to the house there were a couple of cars in the driveway and that's when I started to panic. I couldn't go in there I really couldn't. "G-guys I d-don't think I n-need anything.. I can't just wear what I'm a-already wearing tomorrow a-again." I kept on stuttering and I just couldn't think straight anymore. I was just so scared.

"Hey it's okay , one of us will go with you." Kevin said parking right in front of the house. "Um I can't go in since your dad hates me and he almost pushed me out the window the last time he saw me." Steve said while scratching the back of his neck. "I can't go either dad pretty much was about to beat the shit out of me when I came over the other day." I mentally groaned I did not want to be near Kyle right now. "Let's go Kyle." I said getting out the car. I was shaking by now I was seriously scared.

"Hey Mimi everything is going to be okay." Kyle whispered to me while intertwining our fingers. I opened the door and it was all the people from my nightmare. I tightened my grip around Kyle's fingers.

"Oh look who decided to show up the little slut." One of the guys said eyeing me from head to toe like I was a piece of meat. I just stood there scared not knowing what do do. Finally Kyle started to pull my arm towards my room. He got me into my room and locked the door. He then came to me and held my face. "Are you okay Mimi ?" He murmured. He was angry I can tell by the way he clenched his jaw.

I felt a couple of tears escape my eyes. "If I say I'm okay I'm lying but if I say I'm not I'm weak." He looked in my eyes searching my eyes for something that I didn't really know. "You're not weak Mimi you're the strongest person I know." I needed to get away from him. I needed too.

"I need to get my stuff." I took a couple steps back which caused him to just nod his head.

Kyle I love you. But I don't want to ruin you.

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