Why Are You Here ?

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Chapter 4- Why Are You Here ?

Walking down the side walk only a block away from the dinner , I couldn't understand why Kevin and Kyle were back. Well more like limping.

I didn't care about how much pain I was in , I never did. Making my way into the dinner , I waved at my coworker Maria. She gave me a look of sorrow , and I just smiled at her.

You see other then Steve , Maria knew about my father. She figured it out one day when I came into work with blood shot eyes from crying , and how I was limping. She made me tell her , so I did , I mean she was trust worthy. She told me about how she was raped by her uncle at the age of 8 and 14. Also how her parents still don't know about it. if she could trust me , why couldn't I trust her ?

I walked up to her and gave her a hug , which she returned. "He got to you again ?" She whispered and I simple shrugged.

I knew what she was talking about. She was talking about my father. I never liked talking about my family problems, it was just too much for me. Looking around for Kevin , I spotted his brown head at the last booth by the window. "Fix me up with something to eat cupcake." I said as I walked towards them. Which I noticed they were already staring at me .

I slid into the seat next to Kyle trying not to make my pain noticeable. They watched my every movement which made me uncomfortable. "The fuck happened to you ?" Kevin asked angrily. "I fell." With that said we sat there in complete silence.

Moments later Maria came to the table and handed me a burger with fries and a coke. "Thanks babe." I said while eating one of my French fries. "So what do you want?" I said flatly.

"Mia we want you too move in with us." Kevin said while taking sip of his coffee. Almost choking on my burger I looked at him like he was a mad man. "The fuck ? You can't just come back into my life whenever you feel like it and tell me you want me to move in with you. I don't even fucking know you anymore. I don't know where you've been , what you were doing , I don't even know why you left me here in the first place. You can't expect to get me back so easily after two years without even one phone call."

"Cut the crap Mia. You know you want too leave this shit town. I know you're not happy. That's why I'm here I'm here to get you happy. Who's going to notice when you're gone ? Dad ? I doubt that. I saw the way he looked at you from the moment you walked into the house. It doesn't take a fucking scientist too realize how fucked up you are here. I have my reasons why I left and so does Kyle. And you have a reason to leave. You have to chance too start over, but you're not taking it because I wasn't there for two years ? I'm here now aren't I ? I'm not asking you too trust me , I'm asking you too start fresh in a new town , a new house , a new school , a new place." He was frustrated I knew that. Kevin was always like that. Frustrated when he didn't want to take anyone's shit.

He got up and went to the bathroom leaving Kyle and I in an awkward silence. I just continued eating. I was hungry and no one was going to stop me from eating.

I saw from the corner of my eye Kyle trying to grab one of my fries but I smack his hand before he can. "Oh come on first you smack me across the face now you smack my hand , babe hitting me isn't going to stop the sexual tension we have going on here." He crossed his arms across his chest and looked out the window pretended to be angry. I placed my head on the shoulder. "Kyekye you know you can't stay made at me forever , you love me too much." He looked at me as I gave him the best puppy dog look I could. He smiled at me while looking me in the eyes. "I missed you Mimi." He said while kissing my forehead. It was weird having someone show me affection like this after so long. Not even Steve would make me feel at home the way Kyle does.

I pushed my plate too Kyle. He got excited and started eating the fries I left. "Ohmagerdddd I love you Mimi." I laughed as he stuffed his face.

"I missed you Kyekye it's weird not having you there too my rescue when I can't sleep." I leaned my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "I remember when I was 8 and you were 10 , right after diner you and Kevin were playing outside while I was stuck doing the dishes , I was just doing what I was told until my dad started beating the life out of me. For the first time. Kevin didn't believe me though. But you did , you were the only one who did." I opened my eyes too see he was looking at me. "I was so scared that night. I cried and I cried a-and I thought I was going to die that night , I kept on replaying what he said , telling me it was my fault my mother left. But then you came into my room in the middle of the night , I thought you were going to hit me too but I was so wrong. You didn't tell me anything , instead you just hugged me until I fell asleep. And you've done it until I turned 16. The last time you did it was the day before you left. Now I can't sleep anymore. I'm scared every second of the day that someone is going to hurt me."

Kyle just sat there with a blank face and didn't say anything as Kevin came back to the table. "So.." Kevin said awkwardly.

"I'll move in with you guys." I said taking a sip from my soda. The two looked at me with shock. I laughed and watched as they got happy by my decision. "You know I thought it would've taken more convincing to get her to say yes." Kyle said with a shrug. "Yeah me too I thought she was going to play Ms.imtoocoolforyourshit and say no until she had no choice but too say yes." Kevin said with a smirk.

"I could always take back what I said you know." I shrugged.

"No take backs !" They both yelled at me.

I laughed at their foolishness. I wasn't going to give up an offer like this. I need an escape and this is it. These are the two boys who I've been waiting for too save me. This is my chance at something new.

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