Same Faces.

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Chapter 5 - Same Faces.

"Mia get the fuck in the living room !" His harsh voice echoed the soulless house. I made my way out of my bedroom shaking. He wasn't alone this time , so maybe he wouldn't do anything. There was three guys, buff guys in fact. I never knew my father had friends. He harshly grabbed me by the arm and pushed me towards the guys.

"Do anything you want to her boys." My father looked at me with an emotionless face. They started to rip my clothing off. I tried to run but they pinned me down. I struggled trying to break myself free. I struggled so much. Feeling their filthy hands all over my body making me wish I was just dead. "No !" I screamed as I started to sob.

Their rough hands kept on touching me. And that's exactly when I felt them start to penetrate me. I looked up and saw my father just sitting there with a beer in his hand just watching me. "GET OFF OF ME !" I screamed. "GET OF ! GET OFF!" One of them smacked me making my sobbing worse. "HELP ! HELP!"

"Mia , Mia wake up !" I felt someone shaking me. "GET OFF!" I screamed as I pushed them off of me waking up from this nightmare. Looking around I realized I wasn't in my house. I looked to see who was in here while shaking. Seeing Kyle on the floor with a confused face would've been funny any other day but by the look on his face he's going too want some answers. Answers I'm not going to give him of course. Looking at the door I saw Kevin just walk out the room shaking his head.

"Oh my god. Kyle I'm sorry ! I didn't know it was you ! Don't sneak up on a girl like that !" He got up and gave me a smile. "Come with me." That was all he said as he walked out of the room. Getting out of the bed not caring what i looked like or what i was wearing , I followed the noise of his steps which took me the kitchen.

Two bowls placed on the table of the apartment. I sat at the table waiting for Kyle to get back from the kitchen. You see right after we left the diner Kevin and Kyle took me home too get my things for the night. Kevin refused to let me stay at that house any longer.

Kyle came in with a box of Froot Loops , a gallon of milk and two spoons. "You know I thought our first date would be more classy then this Kyle." He laughed a small laugh. He was shirtless with messy bed hair and some gym shorts which made him look extremely attractive. "Babe you know you've been waiting for this day for a long time." We both laughed while looking one another in the eyes. "When I have a nightmare i usually get myself a bowl of cereal and it calms my nerves." He started pouring cereal into my bowl and handed it too me.

He took a seat next me. He was so close that our arms were touching. I realized that I only wearing pajama shorts and one of Kyle's white undershirts. I noticed you could see my nipples through the shirt and it was pretty cold in here. You can do the math. i looked at my bowl of cereal and noticed you can see all the scars on my right arm. "I'll be right back." I said as I pushed my bowl further into the table. Kyle looked at me from head to toe and gave me a sly smirk. He got up and cornered me. He placed his forehead on my forehead. "Are you going too change? I suggest you don't. You look extremely hot in my shirt." He started to lean forward. He's actually going too kiss me like holy fish sticks. I closed my eyes waiting for his pink lips.

Instead of kissing me on the lips like I thought he kissed my forehead , my cheeks , my neck, and the corners of my lips. Oh god Kyle stop playing games and just kiss me already. "Mia." He said huskily. "Hmm?" I said opening my eyes. "Do you want me too kiss you?" His hot breath on my ear driving me crazy. "Ye-" Not even finishing the word he placed his lips lightly on mine like we have all the time in the world. He grabbed my hips and pulling me towards him. His hands were over my scars making me slightly panicky.

His lips were at sync with mine. And the only thing is that this is the only boy i ever kissed. He intertwined our fingers making me melt on the inside. He stopped kissing me and leaned towards my ear. "Your nipples feel great on my chest." He smirked and I shoved him. I notice that his eyes were located at my arm. He had a frown on his face. He knew exactly what it was and the look on his face made me scared. "Wh-" "So like I'm going to go change." I cut him off before he could say anything and ran out of the dinning room. I herd his footsteps behind me. I knew he wasn't going to let me go with it. "Why ?" He had looked like he was about to cry.

"Shit happens." I said flatly while entering the room i was sleeping in. He came in and grabbed me by the waist and laid me down on the bed. He closed the door and turned off the lights. I thought he was going to do something bad too me so I closed my eyes shut. Instead he laid next to me. "You know Mia I'm not going to tell your brother." And at that moment i opened my eyes and was confused. "When my dad left my mom and she started abusing alcohol i started to cut too. I would go nights without sleeping cause i wanted too die. I would plan out ways on how I would kill myself. I'd cut after she would say bad things too me. After Kevin found out he never let me go home alone. He found my blades and flushed them down the toilet. I almost beat up your brother because he did that. Most of the time he would make me sleep in his room. And that's when I met you. You were this sweet innocent girl. When Kevin told me your mom left he was glad she had. But you, you took it hard. I would see the way your mom would treat you. She left with nothing behind. When your dad stared to abuse you that's when I just wanted all the pain he gave you to go too me so you wouldn't go through that. I went to your room every night because i wanted you to know i was there for you. When we left two years ago i didn't want to leave you but i had too. I wanted nothing but for you to be safe. Mia I love you but i failed didn't I ?" I was full on tearing up at this. Instead of saying anything I hugged him. I hard hug in fact. i didn't let him go.

"You didn't let me go." I sobbed into his shirt. "Its impossible too let you go. I love you too much." he rubbed my head and kissed my forehead.

"I loved you since the beginning Kyle." That was the last thing i said before i fell asleep.

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