2 | jonah • valentine's day

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14th of february- Valentine's Day.
this year you were spending it alone. jonah your boyfriend was on tour and couldn't be here. you texted back and forth for most of the morning. jonah not wishing you a happy valentine's day which you fousn strange.

babe go down the stairs there's a present there for you.

um okay jojo.

confused you pulled your self out of bed, dragging your feet down the stairs to find a pretty white box with a ribbon that was your favourite colour. a little tag sat on the box reading
to my love happy valentine's days!
love; jonah xo

you smiled to yourself, butterflies forming in your stomach. he still make you feel special even when he's not around. you pulled the ribbon carefully, took the lid off and placed it on the floor carefully. the box was filled with rose petals, you smiled as the roses were your favorite colour. digging to the bottom of the box you pulled out a stunning dress you had wanted for ages and jonah knew that. you squealed with excitement causing your mum to peep her head from the living-room.

"ahhh I see you have found the first part of your surprise"

"wait what do go mean first part"
you questioned confused.

"I've been told to tell you that you've to get ready and wear the dress jonah got you"
your mum smiled.

"but why what's the point he's not even here"
you said sighing

"i know sweetie but he still has something planned for you! Now hurry and get ready"
your mum said hurrying you up to your room.

finally you pulled your dress on and finished touching up your light make up, your heavy hair completing your look. 20 minutes later your mum pulled up to the beach, you looked at her confused. she told you to go under the pier. taking your sandals off you walked along the sand. fairylights and candles light up the area. you had no idea what was happening. something caught your eye in the sand, you picked it up it was a bunch of photos of you and jonah from your relationship over the last 4 years. you smiled to your self, letting out a huge sigh. I miss you jonah you said allowed.

"i missed you too baby"
a all too familiar voice said from behind you. you turned around to be met by jonah standing there in a shirt with a cute little bowtie.

" jonah. what the. what why are you here"
you said running to him and hugging him so tightly.

"do you really think i'd miss valentine's day and let you spend it alone"
you shook your head and shrugged in the hug.

jonah soon led you over to the restaurant that sat on the beach, leading you over to a table pulling your chair out for you. the table had a white and red rose sat in the middle of the table with little tea light candles lighting up the table.

"all this for me jonah"
you smiled questioning your lovely boyfriend.

" of course it is y/n. i'd do anything for you to be happy. id walk, id run, id even learn to fly, just to see you smile"
jonah sang the last part knowing it was your favourite lyric that he's ever wrote. making it more special that he wrote it for you.

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