6 | one shot

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written for  @badrepseavey <333

Sian plays Sian
Daniel Seavey plays Daniel Seavey
Austin Butler plays Charlie

CHARACTER LISTSian plays SianDaniel Seavey plays Daniel Seavey Austin Butler plays Charlie

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an eye for an eye. part two |

Daniel grabbed his black converse slipping them onto his feet, his eyes diverted to the clock hanging on the wall, 2:10 it read.

"Crap" he muttered to himself.

Charlie was 'busy' at exactly 2:30pm, which made Daniel make the stupidest decision, he was going to go where Charlie was and sort this out for good. But he wasn't going alone. Daniel and Sian where finallly meeting, to get fair with the person who claimed to love them.

"Are you there yet?" Sian's voice asked through the phone.

"Almost, you?" Daniel asked as he got closer to his destination.

"Im there, Daniel he's with someone."

Daniel sighed.

"Don't worry, I'll be there soon" Daniel ended the call as he finally entered the place he needed to be.


Spotting Sian's curly locks, Daniel quickly made his way towards her. Accidentally knocking right into her he muttered oops.

Sian smiled.


Daniel gave the gorgeous blue eyed girl a weak smile. He tried to not let his emotions get the better of him, but he couldn't help it. Seeing Sian in real life made the situation feel even more real, which made Daniel's heart break into a million pieces.

"Now where is this asshole"


"Sian, I swear to god" Daniel whispered as they hid behind a giant bush, spying on their 'boyfriend'.

Sian smirked.

"Im not doing anything wrong" she whispered back as she fell into Daniel.

"Would you just stay still?!" he said whispering, but being annoyed by the small blue eyed girl crouching beside him.

"I have unsteady balance, I apologise" she replied sassily, holding her hands in surrender.

Daniel opened his mouth to reply back with a sarcastic comment as Sian flung her hand over Daniel's lips.

"Shhh" she whispered.

"Hey baby" Charlie smiled, kissing the forehead of a young blonde woman.

Daniel and Sian looked at each other in confusion. They couldn't hear the conversation between the two but the body language was enough to know this wasn't a friendship.


30 minutes or so later, the pair where still sat eying their 'boyfriend'.

The blonde let out a giggle as Charlie wrapped his arms around her.

"Thats it" Sian said, getting onto her feet and darting for the pair.

Daniel quickly followed her.

"Sian, cmon, dont do this" he pleaded.

Sian shook her head, a sarcastic laugh leaving her lips.

"Well, well, well" she taunted as she reached the two blondes.

Charlie's face fell as his eyes met the blue pairs.

"Sian-n, Daniel?" he stuttered, letting go of the blonde.

Daniel quickly joined Sian, hands crossed over his chest, his blue eyes piercing Charlie's soul.

"Would you like to explain?" Sian asked, her eyebrows raising.

Charlie's head fell in shame, his eyes focusing on everything but the two standing in front of him.

"I-its not what it looks like" he said, his head hanging in shame.

"Whats going on babe?" the petite girl asked in confusion.

Daniel let out a laugh, brushing the hair from his face.

"Would you like to explain Charlie?" Sian asked, her eyebrows raising.

He stood in silence, he wasn't sorry for what he did, no, he was sorry he got caught.

"Your boyfriend here" Sian started as she pointed at Charlie.

"Has a boyfriend" Daniel finished.

She furrowed her eyebrows letting out a giggle.

"I don't understand"

Sian rolled her eyes.

"We're done" she muttered, ripping off an infinity ring Charlie had given her on her birthday.

"And the same goes for me" Daniel said, taking the ring and throwing it in Charlie's direction.

Charlie watched as the two took off together. Not having any idea what would happen next.

"So for revenge" Sian smirked.

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