6 | one shot

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written for  @badrepseavey <333

Sian plays Sian
Daniel Seavey plays Daniel Seavey
Austin Butler plays Charlie

CHARACTER LISTSian plays SianDaniel Seavey plays Daniel SeaveyAustin Butler plays Charlie

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an eye for an eye. part 1 |

Shock plastered Daniel's face as he skimmed through the messages on his boyfriends phone, he felt bad snooping but his suspicions had now been proved. Charlie had been cheating, for several months now. Daniel had thought this for what felt like forever, Charlie would come home at the late hours of night blaming work, but now Daniel knew he was probably giving it to some other guy or girl while he sat at home worrying. His mum warned him, telling him, Charlie was no good and Daniel could do better, but he never listened, he truly believed he was in love. Not now, love had turned to hate and the boy wasn't going down without a fight. He was getting revenge good and hard, and nobody was stopping him.


"I have to go now babe" Charlie said, peeling his body from the brown haired girls.

Sian gave her boyfriend the best fake smile she could.

"Of course, lunch tomorrow?" she asked.

Charlie pouted, pulling his black leather jacket onto his broad shoulders.

"I have work all day, but Thursday I promise" he smiled, kissing Sian's forehead.

"Yeah.. work" she replied, whispering work.

"Bye baby, love you" Charlie shouted, slamming the front door.

Sian fell backwards onto her double bed, letting out a huff she picked up her rose gold iPhone, clicking onto the Facebook app. Something had been off these past few weeks, he was coming home later and later, worker more hours and acting more loving. This was odd for Charlie, he wasn't someone to show his affection, it was like he was acting so caring, so Sian would stay. Sian scrolled through her feed when a picture of a beautiful boy and Charlie took up her screen.

"Daniel?" she muttered to herself.

From the colour of Charlie's hair he knew it was recent. Suspicion taking over she clicked onto the mysterious boys page. Scrolling through the boys timeline, she could see he was gay, his page was filled with gay flags and inspirational gay quotes. Nothing else was suspicious except for that one photo with Charlie, they didn't look like family nor friends, maybe boyfriends. This was all it took for Sian too grab her shoes and coat, and follow her so called boyfriend.


Sian clicked onto Charlie's contact name pressing the call button.

"hello?" a male voice answered.

Sian furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.


The male on the other end chuckled.

"Of course, nah love Charlie isn't here"

"And who may you be?" Sian asked.

"On that note, who are you?" the male replied sassily.

"I asked you first" Sian answered back.


Sian raised his eyebrows.

"Why do you have my boyfriends phone?" Sian asked as she speedily walked down the small streets of London.

"And why are you calling my boyfriends phone?"

"So its true" Sian muttered sadly.

"Sadly yes, now I need revenge, planning to help?"

Sian smirked.

"I'm all in"

AUTHORS NOTE: for anyone asking yes Daniel is bisexual in this one shot!!

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