The Second Strike

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Erza's P.O.V

I sat in my office when a gaurd came in, almost breaking down the door. I sighed, if there's any thing more to being queen it'd be the fact that everyone breaks down your door in desperation, leaving you with no privacy.

"Queen Erza, I apologize for the disturbance but another attack was landed. This time on the farms!"

I got up from my seat and rushed down the hall.

Whoever this enemy is, they're taking their chances and testing my patience.

I had three maids rushing alongside me as I walked toward the exit of the castle.

"Tell King Jellal that afternoon training for today and morning training for the next three days is canceled. Prepare lunch and send an invite to Queen Bisca and King Alzack that they should come and visit next month. Tell her I'm busy this week so she can't come sooner."

I gave the orders as quick as my lips could move and as I gave them the maids dissapeared one by one.

I reached the entrance and saw a patrol-sized group of gaurds waiting for me.

We head out and I stared out the window of the carraige. This enemy is strange. If I were them I'd strike at night. Then the possibility of my identity being discovered would be much less. But the first attack was in the night and the second in the morning. Something doesn't add up. Unless the attacks are from two different people; I doubt it though.

I sighed. This is so confusing.

We reached the farms. I saw people sitting on the streets and behind them the houses and everything was burning. I climbed out my carraige looking at the burning houses. My eyes flicked to the people on the streets. They were obviously the farmers and people who were close to the farms.

Some were badly injured others just had cuts and bruises. Then I noticed a man without any injuries. His face was framed with worry and he was moving from gaurd to gaurd when he stopped at the last one; it looked as though he was begging the gaurd for something. I saw the gaurd turn him down but he just kept going.

Eventually the gaurd called for some other gaurds to secure the man.

"Stop this nonsense!" I said, flicking an arm out to stop the situation.

"Q-Queen! My apologies, I didn't see you!" The gaurd who called for authority said. I walked past him without a word.

"Explain to me why you keep troubling my the gaurds?" I said in a hard voice as I looked at the man on the ground, he was held down by the gaurds.

He looked up at me with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"My daughter! P-Please, you have to help her! She's in our house!"

My eyes widened and I looked toward the burning house.

I ran toward the house and requipted into my Flame Enpress armor. This armor is highly resistant to fire so at least I won't burn, but, it has nothing against smoke. So the chances of me suffocating on smoke are high.

"Queen Erza!" I heard a gaurd yell behind me. The fact that I'm part dragon should come in handy as well. I thought.

I broke through the front door and shouted for the girl. I ran through some flames but I was right, this armor wasn't effective against smoke.

I entered a room that looked like the living room but found nothing. So I entered another room, which I assume was the kitchen. I entered two other rooms before heading toward the top floor. I knew that it wasn't smart to go inside a burning house with wood for a second floor but at this point there was no turning back now.

I entered another room but came up empty. I entered the main bedroom to find a woman trapped in.

"Help! Please, somebody! Help!" She screamed before she started coughing. I broke through the burning wood that trapped her in.

"Climb out the window!" I imstructed.

"But my daughter!" She yelled as I forced her to the window.

"I'll go get her, just get out!" I yelled. She nodded and jumped into a nearby tree.

Now that she's safe, I can focus on my main mission.

I ran out that room into a tiny room with pink teddie bears and pictures. I looked at the bears and quickly grabbed one that wasn't burning. I also grabbed the nearest, undamaged, family foto I could find. I kept them in my arms as I ran.

I started coughing a little and I knew I had to get out. I ran until I found a small isle on the second floor. There I found a little girl passed out on the ground.

I studied her features for a split second. She had brown hair, her skin was scarred with burns and she had a soft toy with her. I ran over to the girls. She coughed and I sighed with relief that she was still alive.

I picked her up not leaving her stuffed toy behind, and downstairs as I was about to exit the second floor collapsed. I dove out the way, shielding the girl with my body, but the burning wood fell on my leg. I screamed in pain.

I tried to break free but was unable; the wood was too heavy. I looked up and saw the unsteady ceiling ready to cave in. I looked back down at the girl.

This girl must be terrified. I can't leave her here to die.

I pulled her underneath my body because as long as I had this armor on I won't burn but this girl wasn't fire proof.

I wrapped my arms protectively around her and shut my eyes tight when I heard the ceiling break and fall.

To be continued

A Royal Mess With Magic | Jerza Fanfic (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now