Chapter 7

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I finally fell asleep again in his arms listening to his heartbeat....I must admit i liked this...I missed it...but i knew i could not keeping doing this i was with Dave now he had his chance and blew it. I was awoken by the guys coming into my hotel room but i dozed off again still listening to his heartbeat "Shush, she had a bad night" Zak whispered i fell back into a deep sleep dreaming of when me and him was together the fun we had...I woke up shortly after looking up he was smiling at me he kissed me head i put my arms around him looked over at the guys they all waved also smiled.

"Lets take a look at you again shall we?" Zak said i sat up he moved my top down a bit from his reaction the scratches was still there he touched them i flinched in pain "Does it hurt?...they look nasty something needs to be done" he said in concern the guys came over and also looked at them i pulled my top back over them..."I'm not a museum exhibit you know" I knew they was there i knew what had to be done my top was up a bit showing my back i felt Zaks hand go up my back "OUCH" i said yelling he moved his hand from off my back lifted me top up "Dammit Hun guys you need to look at this" he got up of the bed...

Came in front of my kneeled on the floor took my hand "We are going have to ring a friend of ours ok?...hes in are going to be have to be blessed and cleansed...there is something with you again." he got up sighed walked out of the room the guys just turned and looked at me with concern in all there eyes i looked down i unseen force came upon me i felt it go into my back i closed my eyes i felt myself rocking back and forth i opened my eyes i slowly looked up at the guys the all jumped up running out of the room except for Nick as the door slammed shut he could not get it back open with how hard he tried i got up of the bed walking towards him "Guys help!" he said in a frightened voice...myself came through for a moment "HELP ME PLEASE NICK!" then the male spirit came back through again.

I was trying to fight through again but he was to strong the male spirit taking over my body get right up into Nicks face smiling menacingly "Do you remember me" the male entity said in a menacing voice by the look on Nicks face he knew who it was "How can it be She She got rid of you..." Charles laughed in a menacing voice "You think she did well i'm back now even stronger"...Nick reached for the door handle again been able to open it this time he quickly got out for some reason Charles would not leave the room with all my might i fought to take back over my own body i did i heard the guys outside "No Zak you can't go in there right now stay out of there lets wait for him to come" i heard them walk off talking down the hall my energy levels had gone.

I managed to walk over to the bed collapsing on the floor i had very vivid dreams while i was out of it by the look of it it must of been Charles he was a evil man beating people up for a living he was part of a mob then he got killed by one of his own then my mind went blank then i was awoken by the guys rushing in my room i had my eyes open but i was still exhausted Zak picked me up bridal style placed me onto the bed he moved my top over to show this guys the scratches they had disappeared i was to weak to move so he was basically moving me himself Zak came upto my face to face looking at my eyes funnily i wanted to laugh but i did not have the energy to.

He placed his finger to the front of my face moved it side to side my eyes followed "Thank god for that i thought it was not her still" my energy was beginning to come back i got up... hugged Zak strongly he had to put his arms out so he did not hit his head on the wall he put his arms around me to sitting on the bed i would not let go of him i whispered into his ear "I love you, i nearly hurt nick" hugging him even tighter he rubbed his hands up and down by back "Its going to be ok i will protect you" i let go of him he stood up straightening his t shirt up the guy who was with them was cleansing the room good when you currently having your hotel room cleansed Zak was stood at the side of the bed where i was i felt Charles trying to get through again i grabbed Zaks are "He's trying to get through again"

Zak came to the bed kneeled on the floor looked me in the eyes "Don't let him fight it i know you can he has nothing on you" he kissed me i think he knew this may help as i was concentrating on Zak nothing else he stopped looked at me and smiled...i felt happiness no fear or anger the guy had finished what he was doing he came to me "Are you ok with me doing this?" i nodded how much it hurt or was painful for the guys to watch i wanted it done all the guys sat down watching while he started doing what he had to i felt like i was on a TV show he began to read out of a bible etc i felt nothing no anger or anything it took about a hour they guys all went outside to thank him Zak walked him back to his car.

The rest of the guys came back in locking the door they all sat down and around the bed they all looked at me "Zak loves you...he won't shut up about you hes have changed since you got with Dave" Aaron said "We have not met Dave but we can tell he does not treat you right" Aaon said again i just looked at them all not knowing what to say i knew Dave did not treat me right but i loved him i could not be without him...I knew he did not like me knowing the Guys Zak mostly  as he knew we had history.

Did i agree with what they said...did i know the answer would i leave Dave and be single or get back with Zak...No i could not do that if Zak ever left me like he did i would have no idea what to do i would end up going crazy or doing something stupid i had just got them back i was not going to let anything stop me from me losing him again........

I Will Love Him Forever & Always- Zak Bagans FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now