Angel Wings Chapter 2: Nightmares

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5 months later

DiCaprio tossed his head majestically and pawed the ground. Lauren started walking towards him slowly, hardly believing what she saw. She was just inches away from him when suddenly he rose up onto his hind legs and spun round. He galloped away from her, his hooves pounding on the ground.

"DiCaprio!" Called Lauren, running after him. She tried desperately to catch up with him but eventually he disappeared over the horizon. She panicked as the light started to fade. The last thing she saw was a huge black object falling onto her, then all went black.

Lauren woke up sweating as her alarm clock screamed at her, like a siren. She'd been having this same dream ever since the accident. It was always exactly the same, never changing and always just as terrifying as before. She just couldn't work out what it MEANT. She had a firm belief that all dreams had meanings, but what could DiCaprio running away from her mean? She didn't think it meant that he was dead... There was some hidden truth in there. Hopefully she'd find out soon. But for now, she had to get ready to go to the yard for the first time in 5 months. She wasn't exactly sure if she could handle seeing another horse again after losing DiCaprio. But she had a promise to keep. She had borrowed Gina's trailer to get to a show in return for a summer of slavery at the yard. So she pulled herself out of bed and yanked on her clothes. Her boots were hidden in the back of the cellar, where she found them covered in five months' worth of cobwebs and dust. She coughed as she brushed it all off, then pulled them onto her feet. She grabbed her hat from the highest shelf in the back of the hall, and she was ready. She took a deep breath and forced herself to take a step out the door.

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