Angel Wings Chapter 7: Secrets

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Angel Wings Chapter 7: Secrets

As the days passed, Lauren and Sonador's bond only grew stronger and soon they were inseparable. She had almost forgotten the accident, but of course she would never forget DiCaprio. The pair were always found together, working as one to finish jobs. Soon Sonador didn't even need to be led- she followed Lauren's every move anyway. Lauren's mum, Annabel, observed them closely. She hoped she wasn't turning out like... No. She couldn't afford to think of that anymore. Not now that so much had happened in Lauren's life. That would have to stay a secret forever, or at least until the time came.

Lauren patted Sonny's neck happily. She still couldn't believe how much trust the mare had put in her. Her blood test had come back all clear, and she had made such good progress that in just two days time she could be tested under saddle! Lauren couldn't wait, she knew that Sonador- or Sonny, as she'd taken to calling her- was going to exceed everybody's expectations. Of course, that was if Gina let her ride first. She wasn't sure if Sonny would let anyone else ride her so soon. But she had to convince Gina now. She shook her head and concentrated on perfecting Sonny's coat. She firmly ran a body brush down her back, trying to get rid of some of the grease and dirt. It was like her coat was a magnet for all things unclean, which made things a little frustrating at times. It was worth it, though, to see her work pay off. The vet had remarked how incredibly fast the change had been. Sonador had gone from an untrusting, flea ridden bag of bones to a now just timid, shining and sleek relatively normal-sized horse. Her elegantly dished face showed Arab bloodlines, and Gina thought that she might be part Hackney as well. So she had very unusual breeding, and was thought to have been imported from America at some point. Lauren liked to think that she had been a top show horse. At 9 years old, a lot could have happened. The vet said she showed signs of having had a foal in the past two or three years. So what had happened to an imported broodmare to leave her at the auction in such a state?

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