Angel Wings Chapter 8: Unbroken

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Angel Wings Chapter 8: Unbroken

Lauren took a deep breath as she gently lowered the saddle onto Sonny's back, then adjusted the saddle pad. Sonny snorted and danced around, but nothing too serious. She pawed at the ground as her girth was tightened, but that was all. Lauren breathed a sigh of relief; the saddle was on. Gina held firmly onto the reins as Lauren vaulted up and landed softly in the saddle. Sonny spooked, and skittered sideways. But Lauren was still on. She asked for a walk, and was rewarded with a colossal buck. She was thrown forwards and off, but Gina helped her up just in time for Sonny to throw in another buck and almost run her over. The chestnut mare didn't stop there- she started having a full on bronc. Lauren stood there watching as her horse took off round the arena, kicking out at everything until she was exhausted and dropped back to walk, panting heavily. She walked over to Lauren, head lowered and snorting softly in apology.

'Lauren, I don't think it would be best to get back on-'

'I'll be fine!' Lauren smiled, interrupting Gina. She prepared to mount again, and Gina worriedly gripped onto her reins. But Lauren gracefully sprang into the saddle and gathered up her reins. She clicked her tongue, and Sonny walked a few steps before stopping again. Lauren patted her gently on the neck, then asked for walk again. Sonny kicked out a little, but after some encouragement she began to walk slowly around the arena. Lauren pulled quietly on the reins, but Sonny just pulled back against her, turning it into a fight. Suddenly they were cantering round the arena full pelt, with Lauren hanging on grimly.

'Drop the reins!' She heard a boys voice call to her. She frowned, confused, then did as she was told. Immediately, Sonny dropped back to a bouncy trot and then a walk. Lauren turned to see who had called to her. A boy of about 16 stood leaning against the gate to the arena. He had short blonde hair and blue-grey eyes... And he looked very familiar. But Lauren couldn't for the life of her work out why.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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