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//Mature Content//

~ Don't Leave Me ~


I haven't really talked to anyone today, Allen continued to flirt but he was also supporting me which I appreciated.

We went out to dinner and stayed there until 6.

I convinced Maverick and them to let me walk by myself, I really needed to clear my mind.

I took the long way home and ignored the calls, I have been walking for 30 minutes now and it's getting dark and I don't even care.

I walk down the alleyway and sigh, I hear voices and ignore it.

Best to mind my business.

I fell someone grips my hair and I yelp as the pull me back.

I am pushed against a wall and the man places a hand over my mouth.

He presses hard on my legs and my arms so I can't defend myself.

I look at him not recognizing him and try to scream,

"You are just begging for it huh?" He says his eyes scanning me with a gross grin on his face

He ties my hands up and I scream, next thing I know he has a cloth in my mouth.

I can't believe this is happening, why me!?

He pulls down my jeans and I have warm salty tears going down my face, he digs his nails into my thigh and I scream.

He pushes me on the ground and I scream again.

I hear the zipper and scream at the top of my lungs, I try to move but he grabs my waist, I feel him reach up and rip my shirt and my bra, he grabs my boobs and I start sobbing




I feel him slam into me and I scream, next thing I know he is off of me and I fall on my back as I feel my chest tighten and my hands start to shake.

Someone unties my hands and I can't see his face but he helps me and I slip on my underwear.

I lean into the man and see someone else beating up the guy, I keep my boobs hidden.

The guy fall to the ground as I get dizzy, I realize I am bleeding and the dark figure hands me a jacket, I gratefully take it and then the guys grabs my waist and turns his face into the light.


I start to cry more when I see him and he pulls me into him, his face covered with worry and fright.

"Let's go, Ronnie, come on"


We reach his house and I am dripping blood, Matthew comes running with a towel and I wipe it up.

Austin leads me into his bathroom and he starts a bubble bath.

"Do you trust me" He whispers with wide eyes.

I nod slowly tears silently falling, He grabs the edge of the hoodie and takes it off placing it in the dirty hamper, I cover my breast and he makes sure not stare.

"Ronnie, you need to take off your underwear"

I nod and slowly slip it off and throw them away.

He picks my body up lightly and places me in the bathtub.

He sits there with me and grabs a washcloth, He slowly rubs my bare back with it as I bring my knees up to my chest.

I reach my shaking hand out slowly, I hold it open and he drops the cloth and interlocks his fingers with mine.

I Still Hate YouWhere stories live. Discover now