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~ My Favorite Fucking Sweater ~


I sit up fast and let out a scream.

My eyes fly open as I pull on my arms, a hand flys over my mouth and I growl.

I look around as my eyes land on Justin.

I bite down on his hand and he flinches slightly snatching his hand back.

"Calm down" He whispers

"Oh go fuck your self" I hiss at him, I look around to see I'm in a plain bedroom.

I'm sitting on a bed as my hands are handcuffed to the bars of a bed.

A million thoughts run through my head and I gasp loudly


His eyes widen and he shakes his head quickly putting a finger to his lips.

"I wouldn't yell unless you want to die" He whispers

I glare at him and shake my head.

"What did you do to me?" I growl

"I just knocked you out and brought you here, I did not touch you in any way I promise"

I roll my eyes and then return my glare.

"How am I supposed to believe you!"

"You guys took me, I don't know where the fuck Austin is and you ruined my favorite sweater"

He raises an eyebrow at me and smiles.

"Austin is most likely looking for you and your sweater? Really? That's what you are worried about?"

So they let him go? They let Austin roam free?

"Are you fucking stupid?"

"You have a lot of balls to talk to me like that"

"Austin is going to find me and kill all of your asses" I say with an eye roll

He nods slowly and chews the inside of his cheek.

"Well I hate to burst your bubble but you might make it out of here alive before lover boy finds you"

I furrow my eyebrows confused.

"What do you mean?"

He sends me a smile and sighs.

"I was with Silverings Gang.... you don't remember me do you?"

I stare at him confused.

"Its me... Eric...."

It hits me, my neighborhood friend who disappeared at the age of 16.

"Oh my shit" I whisper

"You did touch me!! You pervert!" I yell.

He groans and I glare at the man in front of me.

"You raped this little girl... Jessica!! You raped her! That's why your not part of Silverings Gang" I glare is total disgust.

"No, I was accused, it was a total mistake, I was framed and kicked out of the gang... I joined South because I was friends with Mr.Jones and he greatly accepted and I soon became his second in command after the first died in a shoot out"

I continue to stare at him.

Should I believe him? I mean he stuck a fucking needle in my arm.

"Fine, but what does that have to do with anything Eric"

"I prefer Justin thank you very much" he scoffs at me

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