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~ Life's Amazing ~


(Five Years Later)

I watch as my daughter throws petals on the ground spreading this around, her long black hair simmering as she put glitter in it for 'special effect' as she puts it.

My aunt Jessie squeezes my arm tighter.

I look over at her as tears fill her eyes making tears fill up in mine.

"You just look so beautiful, you are so gorgeous and so grown," She says smiling.

"Aunt Jessie, its okay," I say and kiss her cheek.

"I just can't believe your getting married," She says running her hand down my arm.

"I love you so much," She says smiling,

"I love you too"

"Okay, we are ready," The producer of my wedding says

I start to feel butterflies as I fix my crown before hooking arms with my Aunt.

The soft music starts to play and fill my ears.

I am marrying the man I thought I hated at one point.

My eyes start to water as we walk out, we turn and my feet hit the pedals my daughter played out.

I finally look up and meet his eyes, his blue icy eyes wide and his lips are parted, I see his stance flatter as he breathes heavily smiling widely, Tears evident in his eyes from afar.

I walk with my Aunt as we make our way closer to him.

He steps forward as a tear falls down my cheek. My aunt grabs my hand and places it in his.

His face contorts as he has to look away holding back his tears.

We stand there and the preacher starts, I can't even focus on his words I am just focused on him, on the love of my life.

"Now repeat after me" The priest says

"I Austin king, take you, Veronica Smith"

"I Austin King, take you, Veronica Smith"

"For my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward"

"For my lawful wife, to have and to hold from this day forward"

"For better for worse"

"For better for worse"

"For richer, for poorer"

"For richer, for poorer"

"In sickness and health"

"In sickness and health"

"Until death do us part"

"Until death do us part"

I have tears rolling down my face at this point, a tear falls down his breaking my heart, I reach up and wipe it with my fingers making him smile.

"Now Veronica'

"I Veronica Smith, take you, Austin King"

"I Veronica Smith, take you Austin King" I say my heart racing 

"For my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward"

"For my lawful husband, to have and to hold from this day forward"

"For better for worse"

"For better for worse"

"For richer, for poorer"

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